Anonymous ID: f4459e Nov. 13, 2018, 1:52 p.m. No.3889560   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9572 >>9574 >>0142 >>0155



President al-Assad receives liberated abductees of Sweida: the State put liberation of every abductee on top of its priorities

“The steadfastness of the abductees and their families, their strength and patience during the time of abduction from one side, and the determination of the army heroes ,some of them have sacrificed their soul to liberate the abductees-women and children-from the other side, will be a lesson in patriotism and national act,” the President affirmed. “The State has put the mission of searching about each abductee on top of its priorities to liberate him or her whatever the price was, and it has put all its capabilities to achieve this mission,” President al-Assad said.


Millions Of US Tax Dollars Have ‘Knowingly’ Gone To Terror Groups In Syria From Charities Since Late 2017: Pentagon

“Since late 2017, USAID OIG investigations have uncovered numerous instances of possible or confirmed diversions to armed groups in Idlib Governorate in northwestern Syria, including Ha’yat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS), a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization.

One investigation found that an NGO’s employees knowingly diverted thousands of USAID funded food kits worth millions of dollars to ineligible beneficiaries (including HTS fighters) and submitted falsified beneficiary lists. The investigation resulted in USAID suspending the program and the NGO terminating the employment of dozens of individuals from March to May 2018,” the report said.

USAID OIG also investigated diversions of assistance to HTS in another NGO’s programs, which OIG suspected was perpetrated by NGO staff affiliated with the terrorist group. Although the investigation is ongoing, the implementer voluntarily suspended portions of its programs, adapted its program to the changing risk environment, and terminated some employees. In response to these findings, USAID has suspended certain programmatic activities, added additional language in all new awards requiring prior written approval from USAID before programming in HTS-controlled areas, and is undertaking a systematic review of ongoing programs in the region,” the report added

“These risks included systemic coercion by HTS of NGO employees to assist in diversions; imposition of taxes, duties, and fees on USAID implementers and beneficiaries; HTS control of local councils and IDP camp management that assist USAID implementers in identifying eligible beneficiaries; and implementers failing to adequately mitigate the threat to USAID programming from these armed groups,” the report noted.


Syria urges UNSC to take a prompt and serious move to stop massacres of US-led Coalition against civilians

Foreign and Expatriates Ministry on Tuesday sent two identical letters to the UN Secretary General and UNSC President on the crime committed by the illegitimate US-led “International Coalition” assault, killing or injuring more than 60 civilians in al-Shafa village in Deir Ezzor Province.

The Ministry said in the letters that the crime committed against the civilians in al-Shaffa village refers to the total collapse of the value system and the moral principles that the nations have agreed to respect since the establishment of the United Nations as a result of total disregard of the United States and its allied powers. It also confirms all over again the underestimation of countries of this notorious “Coalition” in the lives of innocent civilians and the provisions of International Law and the law.


Baker 1/2

Anonymous ID: f4459e Nov. 13, 2018, 1:53 p.m. No.3889572   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0142 >>0155





International coalition helicopters transport terrorists of Daesh from a village near Hasaka to unknown direction

International coalition helicopters transported terrorists of Daesh from Sweidyiah village in the north eastern countryside of Hasaka near Iraqi borders into unknown place.


ISIS Killed 4 Members of SDF Security Forces In Syria’s Manbij

Last night, ISIS carried out an attack on a checkpoint of security forces of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the northern Syrian city of Manbij. The attack resulted in the death of 4 servicemembers of the SDF security forces.

The ISIS attack in Manbij once again showed security gaps in the area controlled by the Kurdish-dominated group.


Authorities find IEDs, landmines, and shells left behind by terrorists in Damascus Countryside

Damascus Countryside and Quneitra provinces, engineering units uncovered a number of IEDs, landmines, and shells that terrorist had concealed in a sewage treatment station and an underground cache in the area between the villages of Beit Saber and Beit Tima.


Brief Look At Military Situation In Syria On November 13, 2018 (Map Update)

Clashes are still ongoing between the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and ISIS in the al-Saf area in southern Syria;

One SAA soldier was reportedly killed and another one injured in a fresh series of militant attacks on SAA positions near al-Sakaraia in eastern Idlib;

In the area south of Karf Nabudah in northern Hama, clashes were reported between the SAA and militant groups;

In the area of Hajin, the situation remains relatively calm as ISIS has carried out no offensive operations against the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) over the past two days.

Anonymous ID: f4459e Nov. 13, 2018, 1:57 p.m. No.3889610   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0142 >>0155



Overview Of Military Situation In Yemen On November 13, 2018 (Map, Videos)

The advance of the Saudi-UAE-led coalition is slowly turning in another failure. Coalition-led forces have not been able to develop their initial success in the battle of al-Hudaydah. Clashes around the city are still ongoing. However, no progress has been made by coalition-led forces over the past few days.

The coalition continued its attacks on Ansar Allah positions northeast of Malahit and in the Kitaf area in northern Yemen. Ansar Allah has carried out several attacks on position of coalition-led forces near the area of Damt.

Summing up the recent developments, the conflict in Yemen is once again moving towards a stalemate. The Saudi-UAE coalition is not able to capture al-Hudaydah or Sanaa as well as deliver a devastating blow to Ansar Allah. In turn, the Yemeni resistance is not able to force Saudi Arabia and its allies to admit their defeat in the conflict.

According to a spokesperson for the Yemeni Armed Forces (allied with Ansar Allah), Ansar Allah and its allies have killed 876 fighters of Saudi-led coaltion and wounded 2,150 others as well as destroyed 311 vehicles since the start of November.

Anonymous ID: f4459e Nov. 13, 2018, 2 p.m. No.3889657   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9668 >>9704



Schumer And Nelson Accuse Rick Scott Of Trying To "Bully" His Way To Victory; Demand Immediate Recusal


Democratic Senators Chuck Schumer (NY) and Bill Nelson (FL) demanded at a Tuesday press conference that Nelson's GOP opponent, Florida Governor Rick Scott, recuse himself from the recount process that will determine the winner of their race.


"President Trump and Governor Scott seem dead set against counting every vote. Why? Because they're worried that if every vote is counted, Bill Nelson will be reelected as Senator from the great state of Florida.


Trump and Scott are attempting to bully the election officials in Florida out of doing their jobs, in an attempt to win this election. It's just plain wrong. It's un-American. Attempts to bully, threaten and cajole officials into not counting every vote is a large and dangerous step away from the democracy we all cherish. Trump and Scott must stop now." -Chuck Schumer




Scott's filed several lawsuits against Broward and Palm Beach County election officials last week, demanding in one that law enforcement seize and safeguard voting machines and ballots "when they are not in use," after claims of potential malfeasance. On Monday, Scott dropped that motion after a judge said he could find no evidence for the improper activities that would justify doing so.


In another complaint, Scott accused Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes of counting ballots after the Saturday noon deadline. The campaign is filing two other lawsuits against Snipes and Palm Beach County Elections Supervisor Susan Buchner asking that the election equipment be seized when not being used for recounts, which were ordered by Florida's secretary of state on Saturday. Recounts were ordered in Scott's senate race against Nelson and Democrat Andrew Gillum's narrow loss to Republican Ron DeSantis, as well as in the race for Florida Agriculture Commissioner. In the lawsuits, Scott asked that both supervisors be required to preserve all ballots and records connected with the 2018 election. Suspicious voting patterns have been detected in Broward County as more than 20,000 ballots left the lines for governor blank while voting in down ballot races.


Scott has accused Nelson of wanting fraudulent ballots and those cast by noncitizens to count - noting that Nelson's lawyers objected to a provisional ballot being rejected in Palm Beach which was cast by a noncitizen.

Anonymous ID: f4459e Nov. 13, 2018, 2:09 p.m. No.3889811   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Starting to think these demon rats are actually that!


They dig around under the ground and find these beings/entities make them a clone or host (which would have to be a willing participant Bill hill etc) then they enter the being then go and run an absolute muck.


No remorse just an unquenched thirst for destruction, blood, suffering all fueled by the life force of us humans particularly children as their energy is more pure!


The kicker is they can only do big events via tricking or subverting us humans into doing so!


What do you think?

Anonymous ID: f4459e Nov. 13, 2018, 2:19 p.m. No.3889946   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0085 >>0170

California forced vaccinations a blatant violation of the Nuremberg Code that outlawed medical experiments on humans


As California’s forests are going up in flames, you might wonder whether the bureaucrats of California actually care about children at all. If they did, they wouldn’t be forcing dangerous, deadly vaccinations onto the children of the state, in total violation of the Nuremberg Code that was created to halt the Nazi practice of using human beings for cruel medical experiments.


Roger Landry from explains the real story. See the full article here.

California’s Forced Vaccinations A Violation Of Nuremberg Code


by Roger Landry


Concerns are mounting among scientists that the recent implementation of SB277 making vaccinations mandatory law in California for men, women and children is a chilling step towards universal compulsory vaccination.


Coupled with the fact governments and multi-national pharmaceutical companies are being prosecuted and convicted over poorly-tested and administered vaccines, suggests a crisis is coming.


Vaccine activists are citing the notorious post Second World War Nuremberg Trials in which Nazi doctors were convicted of forced experiments on humans. Fears are that seemingly once benign governments are now resorting to forcing medication into the bodies of the unwilling masses and their children without their consent.


A little recent history …


Here is a short video discussing the ethical questions raised by many concerned parents during the debates leading up to the implementation of SB277 in California. The focus here is the concerns of these educated parents who were very aware of the possibilities of vaccine damage, wanting to know who gets to decide if the (possible) gains outweigh the (known) risks …

Anonymous ID: f4459e Nov. 13, 2018, 2:20 p.m. No.3889957   🗄️.is 🔗kun



When you said something big was about to drop were you walking to the bathroom with a news paper tucked under your arm?

Anonymous ID: f4459e Nov. 13, 2018, 2:30 p.m. No.3890141   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0148 >>0174 >>0182 >>0193