Anonymous ID: 2561ee Nov. 13, 2018, 3:16 p.m. No.3890762   🗄️.is 🔗kun

With the Dems literally rigging & STEALING our elections & the outright 2 tiered Justice System, it is very apparent that. WE do NOT have a REPUBLIC anymore & hasn't been for awhile.


I trust The Plan (that I know nothing about & my faith is waivering a bit too) but I truly don't see how we turn this country around without an outright Civil War. Hell, we are in Civil War right now but we just haven't picked up Arms & I pray to God we don't have to.


IF Trump ever does Declassify & IF arrests of high profile people are made…the organized liberal left will do everything they can to riot & fight! I think all Anons should be prepared just in case.


I'm getting tired, worn down & weary from being constantly beat down & feel true sadness from watching on the sidelines as the Dems STEAL our elections… but I have Faith in GOD, POTUS & our Military to do the right thing…to expose the EVIL & do an exorcism on our country!


Sorry for rant & slide…I'm just an Anon who needed to vent a bit. No matter what happens, I've gained MUCHO RESPECTO for each of you!