Anonymous ID: 341d88 Nov. 13, 2018, 2:56 p.m. No.3890461   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0477 >>0513 >>0883

MORE… Broward County Voting Equipment Found Stashed at Elementary School


Broward County, Florida.

MORE voting equipment was found today at an elementary school in Broward County.


They stashed in a back room at the school!


The school was later identified as Wilton Manors Elementary.


The school is located at 2401 NE Third Avenue, Wilton Manors, FL 33305.


It is listed as a polling place in Wilson Manors.


This follows Sunday night find of blank votes in the back of a returned Avis car in Broward County.

Anonymous ID: 341d88 Nov. 13, 2018, 3:05 p.m. No.3890581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0608 >>0745 >>0883

US State Dept Backs NATO Amid Macron's Proposal to Create EU Army


The United States does not want to see the weakening of the NATO amid European calls for an independent military, US Department of State spokeswoman Heather Nauert told reporters in a press briefing.


In early November, French President Emmanuel Macron called for the establishment of an EU army that would be independent of the United States.


"That is something that’s important — NATO alliance to the US government and to many others — and we feel that whatever should be done should not take away from NATO’s efforts. That’s been a sustained entity that the United States government and many others supported for many years, and so we would not want the weakening of NATO," Nauert said on Tuesday.


She added that US top diplomat Mike Pompeo met with French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian over the weekend to discussed US-French cooperation on global security challenges and strengthening NATO.


US President Donald Trump reiterated on Tuesday his criticism of Macron's proposal and reproached Europe once again for its reluctance to meet financial commitments within NATO.


On Friday, Trump already launched an attack on Macron, calling the French president's suggestion to establish a pan-European army "insulting." The US president has also insisted that Europe should fulfil its financial obligations within NATO.


On Saturday, Macron acknowledged at a meeting with Trump that Europe should increase its defence spending within NATO and called on other NATO member states to boost their national expenditures on defence, following France's example, which adopted a plan providing for raising the country's defence budget to 2 percent of GDP.

Anonymous ID: 341d88 Nov. 13, 2018, 3:08 p.m. No.3890634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0705 >>0744

Pastor criticized for asking male church member who was dressed like a woman to leave


The pastor of an Illinois church is facing backlash after he publicly rebuked a man who attended church Sunday night dressed as a woman, which was first reported by the Christian Post.


Pastor Antonio Rocquemore of Power House International Ministries in Chicago, later claimed the man had been warned multiple times that he would not be allowed to worship unless he dressed as a man.


“Can you leave my church and go put on man clothes?” Roquemore asked the church member during service. “And don’t come here like that no more.”


Rocquemore had been preaching for nearly half an hour when he called the unidentified man out into the aisle and asked him to go change his clothes.


Members can be heard in the video expressing support for the pastor.


“Thank you, Jesus,” one member said.

What was the reaction?


Reaction from some hasn’t been as supportive of the pastor.


“In a place that is supposed to be a place of change, a place of deliverance whatever you want to call it, why would you destroy someone in front of a room full of people,” Christian James Lhuillier wrote in part in a Facebook post that included a clip from the service.


And the video has been shared nearly 4,000 times and viewed more than 170,000 times since it was posted Monday on social media.


“This is the kind of bullst that causes people to go home and commit suicide. St like this is the reason that the church has no power in 2018 because they are so worried about the wrong things,” Lhuillier continued on Facebook. “I know drag queens and transsexuals that can pray you out of sickness faster and some of these preachers that collect your love offerings every Sunday.”


What else did Rocquemore tell the congregation?


Rocquemore told the congregation that they could do whatever they want outside the church, but that there’s a “standard in here.”


“I hold a standard in here. Whatever you do on the outside is your business, but I will not let drag queens come in here. And if you’re gonna come in here you’re gonna dress like a man,” the pastor said. “When you come in this house if you’re a man, dress like a man. If you’re a woman, you dress like a woman. I’m not going to allow it. My salvation is more important and God is holding me accountable.”


“I will not play this game. If you don’t like it, don’t come here. You will not be wearing weaves and heels and fooling people up in here,” Roquemore continued. “Whatever you do on the outside is between you and God. You’ve gotta respect the rules of the house.”

Anonymous ID: 341d88 Nov. 13, 2018, 3:11 p.m. No.3890690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0742

Missouri - Five Black Males Indicted for Stealing 650 Firearms from a UPS Freight Facility ​


According to the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), five black males have now been Indicted for the theft of 650 firearms from a UPS freight facility in Missouri.


United States Attorney for the Western District of Missouri Timothy A. Garrison announced that the five men originating from Texas men have now been indicted by a federal grand jury.


The theft of over 650 Firearms occurred from several United Parcel Service trailers in Springfield, Missouri.


The firearms were in the process of being shipped from Beretta Firearms in Maryland en route to a Bass Pro Shops in Springfield.


The men are accused of stealing 600 Beretta .380-caliber handguns, 54 Beretta 12-gauge shotguns, a pallet of Justin Brand boots, a dozen cases of soda and “numerous power tools” all destined for the Bass Pro Shops facility.


The indictment charges each of the five defendants in one count of aiding and abetting one another to steal firearms being shipped across state lines, from Beretta USA in Maryland to the state of Missouri. The indictment also charges each of the five defendants in one count of aiding and abetting one another to possess stolen firearms.


33-year-old Frank McChriston, of Ponder, Texas

28-year-old Keith Lowe, of Dallas, Texas

26-year-old Quinton Haywood, of Glenn Heights, Texas

26-year-old Eric White, of Texas

32-year-old Derrick White, of Texas



Anonymous ID: 341d88 Nov. 13, 2018, 3:14 p.m. No.3890722   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0752 >>0803 >>0859 >>0938 >>0979

ELECTION THEFT 2018: Deep State Democrats Stole Every Election In Sight


Like Every Democrat Scandal, These Election Thefts Will Backfire on Them in Ways They Never Imagined


For those in the Patriot Community who are really worried about this mass election theft just committed by the Democrats throughout the entire nation, don’t be unduly concerned.


It absolutely had to happen this way.


Now why would that be?


Because the American election system and electoral process is in total shambles, as it has been for many decades.


Everyone now knows that elections have been routinely stolen in America as long as there have been elections.


Today, there are so many ways to successfully rig and fix and steal an election, it’s become a veritable science.


So, with this critical understanding, it’s an obvious leap to the necessity of reforming the whole God-forsaken system BEFORE THE 2020 POTUS ELECTION.




Do we agree that if the DEMs can so easily steal so many elections — IN BROAD DAYLIGHT — during the most highly contested midterm election season in U.S. history, that stealing 2020 will be a cakewalk.