Anonymous ID: 39454a Nov. 13, 2018, 3:25 p.m. No.3890915   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Why am I here?


I'm the kinda dude that, if I was stuck in a cave with others and managed to get out, I would want to help the others get out too.


Hence, upon realizing that Q was doing nothing but giving false-hope and a false-sense of victory to my beloved countrymen, I set out to liberate them.


You got a problem with that, faggot?


Well, guess what? If you do. You still won't do a goddamn thing, just like you haven't done a goddamn thing to our enemies. Does that sound about right? Right… Now go back to sipping your Bud-Light and enjoying your ball-game, you fucking lemming, pansy. You are not salvageable.