This movie is getting boring.
Time for action scenes.
Anons need bigger crumbs for /us. not /normie.
How about a post FOR Anons, Q?
This movie is getting boring.
Time for action scenes.
Anons need bigger crumbs for /us. not /normie.
How about a post FOR Anons, Q?
Sigh, this fucking nigger again.
Hope (You) Anons had a good day. Mine was shit, as usual.
What's up (((mother fucking baby rapers))) - I know you Synagogue of Satan, genetically subpar DNA-having asses are here.
When (You) see someone talking that "muhjoo shill" shit, pic related is what they are doing.
They don't care their babies are poisoned with Vaccines that give them Autism(oh hey goy! lifetime meds for you!! yayyy, shekelzzzz!)
They don't care they want grown ass men to piss & shit with your little 5 year old angel in the stall next to them.
They don't care how they ruin cultures/society with the SHIT MUSIC they push out.
NIGGERS fucking WHITEY in porno's? Suck some of that diversity dick, cuck! Say goodbye to your White family.
Kalergi plan? Nah bro, not even once.
Agenda 21? Da fuq you talkin' bout nibba?
Agenda 2030(follow-up of Agenda 21)? You fucking tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist, which in no way whatsoever was coined by the C_A for those questioning the Assassination of Kennedy, go to HELL!
They don't care that you fight over the Religions that (((THEY))) created.
5,000 year old cult?
The Cult runs the world?
Fuck outta here "muhjoo shill"..oh wait, Q said that? Well, he's talking about "some, not all"
You&me23. Oh the DNA. "We're all the same, goys!"
Shut it Down, the Goyim Know!!