Anonymous ID: c2e04e Nov. 13, 2018, 2:50 p.m. No.3890374   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0397 >>0419



This is actually very symbolic move by POTUS. This Diwali ceremony isn't just some ordinary one, instead it's all about light defeating dark and evil. POTUS even personally lit the Diya which symbolically means he sent the light to defeat dark and evil.


"We’re gathered together today to celebrate a very special holiday observed by Buddhists, Sikhs, and Jains throughout the United States and around the world. Hundreds of millions of people have gathered with family and friends to light the Diya and to mark the beginning of a New Year, a very special New Year"


Last part is very interesting. When POTUS lit the Diya, it meant the beginning of light defeating dark and evil which in return marks the beginning to "a very special new year" as he put it. I think POTUS just gave the signal to drop the hammer and eradicate evil.


"Diwali, Deepavali or Dipavali is the Hindu festival of lights, which is celebrated every autumn in the northern hemisphere (spring in southern hemisphere. One of the most popular festivals of Hinduism, Diwali symbolises the spiritual "victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance"