Anonymous ID: e27d36 Nov. 13, 2018, 3:23 p.m. No.3890880   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The problem is that “conservatives” are closed minded and devisive. Just as liberals want to push their social ideals on everyone, so do “conservatives”.


The biggest problem with the GOP and America today is that there is no party of small government and fiscal sanity. We have 2 big government parties, one socially liberal and another socially conservative.


Part of the success of Trump is that he is not a “conservative” in the social sense of the word.


We need a true libertarian party that espouses values of small government and fiscal responsibility. And has a laissez faire, hands off attitude on social issues. The GOP and “conservatives” drive away millions of potential voters due to their insistence on socially conservative policies. Legalize pot, don’t give a fuck about abortion, stop trying to be so controlling and pushing god, religion, and righteousness on everyone.