Anonymous ID: feef24 Nov. 13, 2018, 2:52 p.m. No.3890392   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0460 >>0489 >>0503 >>0572 >>0646


Yup. The key to preventing that civil war is the Q plan to use a band of autists to help relieve pressure w/controlled release of info which is part explication and part decode/conjecture. The former (explication/direct fact-sharing) helps build trust/certainty, but the latter (decode/conjecture) serves both to involve the public via willingness, and to shield them from cognitive dissonance overload if they're not yet willing. It's like unboiling the frog–slow and easy. Genius. Have never stopped being in awe of the subtle intricacy and efficacy of The Plan.

Anonymous ID: feef24 Nov. 13, 2018, 3:05 p.m. No.3890586   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Wish we could hangout in real life.

I hear you. I'm hoping we really can all meet up one day. We found each other because we have similar outlooks and thinking styles. Interesting ideas are like food to autists. Conversation with like minds is a feast.

>They lacked the imagination of the guys in MI

Creative intelligence is a gift (((they))) don't have. Which is why all they can do is steal it, ideally enslaving creative minds for easy milking. And to do that, you have to warp and damage that mind, because it's naturally geared to freedom and justice otherwise.


They deserve every inch of pain coming to them.