Anonymous ID: 37a31f Nov. 13, 2018, 3:45 p.m. No.3891205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1220 >>1221


Fuck (((You))) for posting that kiked up religion bullshit.



Look Anons, I understand the plan and not to turn anyone away, but when they fucking know the goddamn truth then they need to start getting BTFO'd.

Starting to become CRYSTAL CLEAR why /qresearch had to have it's own fucking board.

Because REAL ANONS give no fucks about your FEELZ!

We seek TRUTH, and that's it!

Think it was coincidence Q came to cuck/8chan instead of Instakike, Kikebook, KiketwAtter?

Hell…he even could have went to GAB! Muh freedom of speech…see how well that worked out for them after the FF shooting at the SYNAGOGUE( no mind the Q post about Synagogue of Satan, back to cucking and shilling to be FAnons.

<FAnons = Fake Anons for you dumb fuckers who need shit spelled out in crayon.

Politically Correct you say? TOP FUCKING KEK! You think POTUS was elected(chosen) for being PC?

(((You))) should have voted for Hitlery so we really could have eradicated you subversive fucks.

Turning whites against whites, every other race against whites, simply because (((You))) can pass for white.

All except those hook fucking noses.

What's the smell-reach on those bad boys?

You can probably smell dinner cooking while at work.

Anonymous ID: 37a31f Nov. 13, 2018, 3:46 p.m. No.3891251   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Eat a dick shill.

(((You))) get no (You) for your kikery.



Stupid bitch, do you even know how to run IP's? Just another lingo-grabbing Newfag, STFU! Go back to Kikebook!

Anonymous ID: 37a31f Nov. 13, 2018, 4:11 p.m. No.3891656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1722 >>1747



For you stupid fucking Kikes who Don't realize the Mother Fucking Silent Majority HAS SPOKEN BY ELECTING DJT!

Do (((You))) not understand?!


Jews jewing jews, both goddamn sides of EVERY MAJOR CONFLICT!

All for 'muh prechuz shekelz'


>You see goyim, if you support Israel then you're a TRUE PATRIOT because you hate the Iraqi sandniggers!

>You seem goyim, if you hate israel then you're just a sandnigger lover & mentally ill liberal!


But go ahead PAYtriots & Fake MAGA's…follow your little bitch PUSSIBITCH, et al..simply because they say they "support POTUS & israhell" (Pic related)

If there ARE those "good jews" you speak of then WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY?!

Are any speaking out about the supremacy of the Talmud?

Do any reject the Kalergi plan?

Are there those who acknowledge Religion is a lie only to confuse humanity as to our true Origins and what we are capable of?

What about the ones who speak against the eradication of the white race?(also, Kalergi plan)

Those who reject the Protocols of Zion?

All I hear is fucking crickets and those of us who try to expose aforementioned plans get banned, suppressed, shut-up, or even killed for trying to make others aware.

(You) all better hope Q is real and that their plan is /ourplan or check over your shoulder the rest of your lives if the same Alphabet Agencies are left up, the Same Holly(pedo)wood studios are left, the Same fuckery in music companies/porno companies, etc.

You all repeat this "trust the plan" shit(which I am actually more aware of than most of (You) as my previous posts get looked over regarding Executive Orders and MILITARY BEING THE ONLY WAY!)

Keep shilling for normies with your fucking "research"(linking media pages & documents) though, thinking that's doing something.

You wouldn't even know it if the other side of the illuminati is taking power, KEK!



<It's fine to keep everything looking the same(no real change, no brave new world) but with muh whitehats in control rather than blackhats. (cough, BULLSHIT, cough.)

Oh, and I can keep going too…if ALL this shit you're seeing in the MEDIA isn't for OPTICS to 'red-pill' normies then WHAT THE FUCK IS IT?

Because AS POTUS, Trump can simply shut down ALL these corrupt organizations, media outlets, etc..WITHOUT Congressional approval.


So is it Military using POTUS(as POTUS was the "cleanest" of the illuminati) to push this Great Awakening?

OR you fucks still making notable "muh voting actually matters" bullshit?!

Because in a time of WAR, even a shadow war, ELECTIONS would not make TWO FUCKS as there is a COUP habbening.

"Researchers" pfft. Clickbait linkers is moar like it.