Fuck you are a mindless cunt.
You are a collection of senses…. in deep dreamless sleeps you disappear… because you aren't real… the saddest thing is… the thing you love the most in this world is yourself… and you aren't even a thing.
Nope Freddy is a psychopath.
The world will be a better place once you are gone. Truth, and you know it.
Freddy likes to post animal cruelty porn… he likes to post gore…. child porn… blacked…. ebot….
His day is coming.
One day you will scream in terror as the realization of your stupidity dawns, and you are seized by things of horror.
You've given them access Freddie. They whisper and scream at you inside… yet only a part of you hears them… you feel their sick desires…
They use you as food… They will stay with you your whole life… and they will be there waiting as you die… to keep feeding. You gave them access to you.