CA Wildfires, PG&E, and H1B Visas (Saboteurs?)
A few years ago PG&E started to replace some of its workforce with under qualified H1B Visa workers.
Disgruntled employees called into radio shows to complain about being laid off and having to train these new employees who would be making a lot less than them.
What I'm going to suggest is quite concerning, but I know I'm not the only one that has noticed a pattern emerging of PG&E being responsible for some of these major wildfires the past two years in direct correlation with gross forest mismanagement.
"The Insider Threat: Lastly, and likely to most dangerous form of Industrial Spy, is the Insider Threat.
They are the most dangerous because they are able to maneuver throughout the company without causing any suspicion.
They may have legitimate access to critical information, and can steal this property over long periods unnoticed and unchallenged.
Increasingly, employees are leaving corporations, taking intellectual property and other key information with them illegally.
You may know of someone who did this but never gave it much thought.
Other individuals who steal your critical information include contractors, temporary hires, and H1B visa workers who are here today and gone tomorrow, potentially with your critical information."
If H1B workers can steal critical information from tech companies could they also act as saboteurs inside utility companies?
Keep this in mind (from the same article):
"Foreign Students/Workers: Globalization of the marketplace is on the rise and will continue to grow as the world becomes virtually a much smaller space.
When companies globalize, so too does their talent profile. Some of those employees will remain in their home nations while others will move from country to country.
Some foreign entities will play to the national loyalties of your workers or pressure them to conduct espionage by threatening harm to other family members in their home country."
What are the top two countries that use the H1B Visa program?
India and China
China is well known for using such tactics as stated above on their citizens and Chinese immigrants abroad.
Who do the democrats in California work for?
Looks like Moonbeam rewarded PG&E for playing along with a "bail out" at the end of September this year.
Yet he was the one that vetoed the bipartisan wildfire management bill back in 2016.
Now those of us in Cali get to enjoy yet another rate hike by PG&E to pay for whatever fines they'll get this time.
Racketeering anyone?
This is just sick…