Reposted from the extreme tail end of LB.
For the few actual anon's left around who are either silent - or tentatively speaking up, here's some good evidence something 'is' about to happen
Dems are overtly, in the light of day, doing everything they can to steal elections and optics be damned.
Furious spate of active shooters lately
House Judiciary and Intel committee Dems are losing their minds, throwing out allegations and investigations they're planning on doing - in addition to talking about releasing testimony to those committees to Mueller to 'invstigate possible purjury charges'
Clear (to those paying attention) attempt complete with MSM coercion to get POTUS to walk into a kill box.
Obviously ramped-up timeline of cultural replacement attempts by leftist-globalist NGO's at the southern border.
Truly absurd lawsuits being filed by leftist state operators against Trum over 100% constitutionally supported Executive Branch actions.
Normies are posting their anger over the clear election stealing - even left leaning normies - and they're 'lit'. absolutely livid.
Mueller is showing no signs of stopping, no matter that word was final report is due to congress any day (pre-but-following the mid terms). More Purjury traps however, with 0 actual criminality.
Clinton body count is beginning to balloon again.
And speaking of HRC, this is the biggest one, for me: HRC is prairie dogging again, after 2 years mostly silent.
So stop replying to trolls and shills and start filtering. Go about your own digs and teasing out nuggets of info to share. Get back to being a hive mind and back away from being a quilting bee. Even many actual anons are starting to act more NPC than Autist.
The stage 'is' set.
It will happen. Soon, yes but when exactly? I don't do predictions any more. But it is going to happen soon.
Very soon.
And to be perfectly honest, when it does, we may regret having been a part of lighting the fuse to the explosion.