Don't call me a shill, or a concern fag. Instead, how about a worn-out fag? I know what the drops say, that the midterms are safe. I've followed the drops since Oct '17. Show me a reason to truly believe we have any say in the election of our representatives. I'm open to input, just tired and cranky.
You haven't answered my question. But thanks for the suggestion.
I think this election stealing was the final nail in the coffin for me. Q gave me hope for an entire year!! It was wonderful. Euphoric at times. But not now. Why should I ever vote again if I know it means nothing?
There is the possibility that some anons are running out of emotional fuel. That doesn't mean doubting Q, just worn out from over a year of absorbing and analyzing too much info.
Every human needs a few crumbs thrown their way to continue working hard. That's been proven through clinical testing.
Actually, if you read the comments, anons are agreeing with this. Only because we've been stressed for so long. We can continue, but an occasional win helps immensely.
Thanks. That makes sense. This midterm corruption has shaken me to the bone.
You make a good argument, and I know it's true. Encouragement like yours is what tired-fags need. Thanks!
If our right to vote is negated, then what do we have left?