Sure are a lot of trees looking just fine.
Getting hit from all sides. Can't seem to punch back. Fantastic.
That's terribly sad but until we can clean up our own mess, let someone else deal with it.
I'm sick of guessing what his fucking plan is. I want to SEE the plan in ACTION. Currently our optics SUCK.
On another note, what the hell point is the NSA if we can't use their data to actually go after treasonous criminals?? Because we don't want people to see Muh "sources and methods"?? We already fooking KNOW your ass raping sources and methods (thx Snowden Clown) so FFS RELEASE IT ALLLLLLLLLL!!
They have all of our GD info, but won't release one fuckin thing about these baby raping satanists that you and I KNOW they have on film and audio. They are COMPLICIT at this point.
I'm just not getting how none of the trees surrounding the cars (multiple pics) are burned. Fire is now attracted to METAL??
Ever happened before?
We told their dumbasses that a week ago. Oh well!
We don't have a Rep Sheriff anymore since Soros bought that election too. Own the DA and Sheriff (Broward) then they do whatever they fuckin want.