Ah, the [a] and [e] thing! Hmmm…but how does Carlin fit into things right now, I wonder? Mueller getting the boot soon?
Was kinda thinking cemet[a]ry was meant to highlight the [A] in DECLAS, like we're one step closer to it.
Ah, the [a] and [e] thing! Hmmm…but how does Carlin fit into things right now, I wonder? Mueller getting the boot soon?
Was kinda thinking cemet[a]ry was meant to highlight the [A] in DECLAS, like we're one step closer to it.
Of course it's bullshit! The General has honor and loyalty up the wazoo. Ain't no way he'd flip on POTUS for Marine Bobby.
>And she was with Mifsud’s stupid university before George got in the picture.
His close-to-exact words during the Bongino interview were, "She knew Misfud longer than anyone in my circle."
O rly? WTF? Somebody's a honeypot spook…