With all the Solar panels going up in Calif…maybe some of them didn't have backflow preventers on them…..so the wires would short…solar power would backflow thru them and cause sparking and fires….I was told during the floods here on the NJ shore that a few electricians got fried because the solar panels were installed illegal or wrong and the 110v backflowed back out the wire…just TOL
But on second thought…that wouldn't fry a car in the middle of nowhere and nothing else was burnt around it….
Do you have any sauce for that….All Aluminum wires would be bad in todays' energy consumption loads..
But now that I think about it…A fire is a fire is a fire….the houses (made of wood and metal studs, plywood..etc) i've seen pictures of where they were totally gone…right down to the foundation on every house but left surrounding area clean…that is just to spooky!!!
Can't that be cross-referenced with Planefags who can tell you what aircraft was in the air during the fires….or is it a satellite doing the DEW…hahah
Is that Forest Gump…Forest DEW…
Mountain DEW…Satellite DEW….Aircraft DEW…
I'm out….