Anonymous ID: 009dc4 Nov. 13, 2018, 8:47 p.m. No.3895402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5412 >>5422 >>5523


Re Possible MILPERS Communications

>>3873724 and >>3875006

Have out-of-date experience in Navy Ops. I don’t know the new comms equipment and if any teams are operating, they’re probably using exotic shit. That being said, I’ve seen enough comm formatting to say these look like BS. Here’s why:

  1. Stuff is way too repetitive, making the messages too long. Continual use of phrases like “GO HOT” for different lines to the same team on the same message; that makes no sense, especially when EVERYTHING is “GO”. It’s just a long message, when short will do. If you have to pause or hold a line item, then you use limiting codes for those line items.

  2. Also “GO HOT” is a phrase with limited meaning generally referring to arming weapons systems. It’s not a go code for operations, though. It also implies weapons release granted, but that isn’t correct terminology. I’m not gonna get into all the terminology crap, but suffice it to say that “GO” is good enough to do something, and if you’re given the green light to engage the term is “WEAPONS FREE.”

  3. In the 2nd message, why FFS broadcast the ADDRESS of the strike? Put it in a message, ok, that’s going to the operators. Why publish?

  4. Just how many ROE codes these assholes gonna use, anyway?

  5. 21 different lines to “TEAM 6” for “APPROVAL” and then send “HIGHEST APPROVAL”? They already got their fucking approval, it’s on. 21 lines to tell “Team 6” to GO? (And it plays on everyone thinking it’s Seal Team 6, but they aren’t called that anymore except by civilians).

  6. Notice how it sneaks in references to HRC and BHO?....

  7. Finally, I pulled info on the sole communications frequency mentioned (there are others that “look” like SATCOM frequencies, but they aren’t…ok, so maybe those are coded identifiers for satellite frequencies in a classified reference manual). Notice that I didn’t say “sole satellite communications frequency” b/c this could be either radio, microwave or sub-micro (Terahertz). Guess what? That freq doesn’t particularly fit into any freq band spectrum. Frequencies tend to be in this format ###.##, meaning 3 digits before the decimal and 2 (sometimes more) after the decimal.

  8. The machine code is meaningless. WTF would anyone put coded drivel out in the open, if it’s encryption? Pull a recording of the transmission, invest some time with a supercomputer and you just blew your code.


I’ll own up to the fact that my knowledge is very dated, but I’m gonna call bullshit and say that this is nothing more than a cute little bit of fuckery.


Anonymous ID: 009dc4 Nov. 13, 2018, 8:56 p.m. No.3895489   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Yah, this popped up the other day and I looked hard at it and said, "Nah." Then when I saw Baker asking about it I decided to toss my oar in and put this to a stop before the bread got shitted.