If the democraps get away with this election stealing, I am hoping for street level retribution at least. Target the criminals, and take them out.
I would rather the DOJ did it, but they don't. When the government fails then fuck it.
Don't share their vision of California. To me it is the shithole of America and a cancer.
Are you denying then that they Target civilians?
That they have blown up restaurants full of people eating dinner? That they've blown up buses full of people on their morning commute?
Yes I don't know what the fuck you are talking about. I deny it.
I'm not talking about Israel you dumb fuck I'm talking about Palestinians.
I'll bet you Palestinian lovers are Democrats too. GTFO.
I'm a monster too. I admit that the thought of Corsi going to prison makes me smile.
Keep dreaming dude. The system is corrupted. The Senate will do no such thing. Turtle man will maga to a certain degree but he is swamp and what you're calling for here takes a Patrick Henry not a Chinese spy.