United States Patent 5,937,422
Nelson , et al. August 10, 1999
Automatically generating a topic description for text and searching and sorting text by topic using the same
A method of automatically generating a topical description of text by receiving the text containing input words; stemming each input word to its root form; assigning a user-definable part-of-speech score to each input word; assigning a language salience score to each input word; assigning an input-word score to each input word; creating a tree structure under each input word, where each tree structure contains the definition of the corresponding input word; assigning a definition-word score to each definition word; collapsing each tree structure to a corresponding tree-word list; assigning a tree-word-list score to each entry in each tree-word list; combining the tree-word lists into a final word list; assigning each word in the final word list a final-word-list score; and choosing the top N scoring words in the final word list as the topic description of the input text. Document searching and sorting may be accomplished by performing the method described above on each document in a database and then comparing the similarity of the resulting topical descriptions.
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On US Patent 5,937,422 & 'Semantic Forests'
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US patent 5,937,422 belongs to the NSA. It was submitted in 1997 and accepted in 1999. Julian Assange came upon it when researching the NSA in 1999. Suelette Dreyfus wrote a report on it which was published by the Independent three months later.
Not much has been heard about it since. Until now
โ We are right to think this is a psyop. Both sides are using our individual responses, yes they tract each one of us, to elicit responses. But in the end 'they' don't have a soul. The beauty of self determination is what being human is about. The issue is that real knowledge has kept us blind. We were too have evolved naturally before now. Our cognitive ability has been retrogressed, by other men, human? men?