nice armchair anon
as long as the Asian gf they issue me has long sexy legs
some asian chicks have stumpy pins
that napalmed lil girl grew up and lives in US or Canada
hey shill, back at work again I see
when is the shift changeover at ShillBlue
still get 5c per post ?
you shithead shills have been glowing all day
trying to convince anons that "they don't know anything about forest fires"
we must be over the target
fuck off and kys
looks like an 80's pic
nice de-rail attempt…….glowfag
this is supposedly big mike when he/she/it was a niglet
didn't Obama buy heaps of guillotines ?
decapitating bodies supposedly leaves internal organs in better condition for "harvest"
HRC was planning on building "Fun Camps" for adults..there is a YT vid of her selling the idea
hi e-bot
quads….. chked, beastly numbers !
in that YT vid of the old guy who filmed the bodies in the cars….
at least 2 cars still had a weird blueish "fire" guttering in the rear seat area…with no fuel source evident….
looked electrical/arclight
pic related
holy shit…
good to see heaps of people looking into this fake fire fuckery
decades ago…spontaneous combustion was in the news a lot
"random" people would burst into flames and be immolated, often wiith no damage to the immediate surrounding area
early DEW prototype perhaps ??
fire and brimstone ….suits Californication
That is interesting, the "fat candle" info
many of the SC immolations I read about …the flames started at the feet and burnt upwards, just like a human candle….
the fire "shadowing" effect on hte road surface is odd too
definitely very directional and the metal armco in the rear distance looks untouched
the road shadow reminds me of the human shadows cast on walls after the Hiroshima atomic blast
at the time of the "spontaneous human combustion" episodes, there was much alien abduction stories doing the rounds…….mainly in the late 70's and early 80's
>IS this why we need a Space Force Q ????
you know it's interesting you mention the Space Force
I was watchin an old Stargate SG1 episode form the 90's and it had credits at the end to the USAF and United States Space Force
it was a wtf moment
kek, I like this covfefe shop
My take on Project Bluebeam is that it was going to be used for a fake alien invasion scenario (no kidding) by the Cabal
Holograms projected into the sky accomapnied by loud audio effects
This sophisticated holo technology has apparently been perfected
Joan was murdered….after her outing of Mooch as a tranny
thanks Baker and BO
thanks anon