The level of duplicity and lies, even with what I think I know (next to nuthin') continues to astound me.
>>3896891, >>3896687 in bread #4955 posted articles about Hudson Yards in NY and the astounding amount of money that was going to be spent to 'develop' this parcel. (Activate gag reflex and assume Clintons are involved)
Go to DoS FOIA reading room and drop "Speyer" (developer) into search box. Get a hit on HRC scheduled meetings.
These are not always searchable documents - they sometimes show up as a return, but you can't find where your search term actually shows up without trying (not always successfully) to upload into an OCR program but in this case I was lucky.
So Tishman Speyer shows up in April 2010 in a schedule from…..China!(?) Whut? Keep reading and guess who else was in China? GWB! (Beijing and Shanghai noted on calendar) (Gag reflex fully engaged)
Go to the DoS archive of HRC's travels and look in the 2010 list. Nothing about her being in China until the end of May 2010.
Go back to the calendar to be sure I haven't misread something and no - right there in the calendar is her return from China into DC where she is whisked away to the "Notional [sic] Nuclear Security Summit".
So HRC goes to China at the same time GWB is there, doesn't record it in the official DOS archive, meets IN CHINA with the
President and CEO of of Tishman Speyer, the American Chamber(? guessing on abbreviation) the Saudi Ambassador and others and the public is never told about it. Somehow, someway I'm thinking that this is all connected.