Anonymous ID: 776791 Nov. 14, 2018, 4 a.m. No.3897675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7780

‘Innocent prank?’ Imposter orders Argentinian plane to take off, sparks mass pilot confusion

Published time: 14 Nov, 2018 08:47


‘Innocent prank?’ Imposter orders Argentinian plane to take off, sparks mass pilot confusion


A private pilot in Argentina made what appears to be the worst-advised prank ever when he set his walkie-talkie frequency to that used by the airport control tower and started giving instructions to an airliner.


The incident happened on Sunday at the Jorge Newbery Airport in Buenos Aires. The man responsible, later identified as Fabián Norberto Penín, used a portable radio to interfere with regular communications between traffic control and the crew of flight AR 1694, which was preparing to fly to Bariloche.


“1694 good afternoon… I changed my voice,” the man told the airliner before ‘clearing’ it to take off. After initial confusion, it became clear that somebody was messing around since the vector Penín told the captain to use did not correspond to the runway.


Airport security was sent to find out who was interfering with its work and soon discovered the person responsible in the northern part of the terminal. The 58-year-old turned out to be a licensed private pilot of small planes who had worked in this capacity since 2009.


A judge ordered Penín’s arrest on Tuesday. If prosecutors can prove that he acted with malice, he may face up to eight years in prison, but he insists it was an innocent prank and nothing more. His pilot’s license has been already revoked, since the Brazilian aviation regulator deemed him medically unfit to steer an aircraft.


The incident also sparked concerns about security protocols ahead of the G20 summit, which Buenos Aires is set to host later this month. Brazilian authorities say additional precautions will be taken during the international event to protect the high-profile visitors.

Anonymous ID: 776791 Nov. 14, 2018, 4:11 a.m. No.3897703   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Separatists Are Not People": Explosive AP Footage Of Ukrainian Far-Right "Summer Camp" For Kids

Tue, 11/13/2018 - 18:45


Years after a wave of independent media articles and analysts began detailing the neo-Nazi roots and ideology of some of the chief Ukrainian paramilitary groups behind the Kiev putsch in 2014, a rare Associated Press article has spotlighted a Ukrainian summer camp that teaches kids to hate and kill pro-Russian Ukrainians.

The Ukrainian far-right party ‘Svoboda’ is hosting the camp called the "Temper of Will" where children as young as eight receive weapons training while being indoctrinated against "Russian aggression" as well as the "perversions" of the West like diversity and multiculturalism. Among the slogans the AP documented the children being exposed to include “White Europe is Our Goal.”


But perhaps the only truly shocking thing is that the mainstream would actually dive deep on a subject that exposes some of the very groups that receive both political and in some cases military support from the United States and Europe.


After all, the very militia running what is essentially a neo-Nazi and anti-Russian xenophobic camp is under a political party that holds seats in the Ukrainian parliament, while Andrey Parubiy - political leader of Svobada is the parliament’s chairman…………..

Anonymous ID: 776791 Nov. 14, 2018, 4:24 a.m. No.3897739   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7745

The University of Western Australia canceled a Friday speaking engagement by a medical expert who claims identifying as transgender is a “delusional disorder” after thousands of students signed a petition demanding the school ban him from speaking.


Dr. Quentin Van Meter, American College of Pediatricians president, was set to speak at the university as part of a national tour sponsored by the Australian Family Association (AFA). The American doctor is a pediatric endocrinologist and professor.


“Transgender is actually a delusional disorder,” Van Meter said, according to The Guardian. “It’s a state of mind with no biologic basis for it that can be found.”


UWA claims it canceled the event because the AFA did not comply with the university’s venue hiring policy, The Australian reported Friday.

The cancellation comes after more than 9,000 students signed a petition demanding that the school cancel the speaking engagement.


UWA responded to those demands Wednesday, saying that canceling the event would “create an undesirable precedent for the exclusion of objectionable views,” The Guardian reported.


The university also noted, however, that Van Meter’s beliefs might not be in line with the university’s values.


“The views which have been expressed by the speakers in the past, particularly with respect to transgender people, are at odds with the university’s values of respect for human dignity and diversity,” the university said in a statement, according to The Guardian. (RELATED: Why Are Colleges Obsessed With ‘Free Speech Vs. Hate Speech’ Workshops?)


“It’s a sad fact that we now live in a world where universities are denying free speech and opinion,” Australian Christian Lobby’s state director Peter Abetz said, The Australian reported. “Dr. Van Meter is an international expert on transgenderism who should be allowed the freedom to speak just like anyone else.”


The university did not respond to The Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment in time for publication.