Why do you use the "puked on and run over" meme style, "baker"? Where does it originate from, and what is its purpose? Thanks.
PS, the baker's inability to answer questions like normal people can reflects poorly on the baker. Think about it.
Why do you use the "puked on and run over" meme style, "baker"? Where does it originate from, and what is its purpose? Thanks.
PS, the baker's inability to answer questions like normal people can reflects poorly on the baker. Think about it.
Explain for the people how your mindless hostility towards my posts in this thread tends to make me look like a "shill", and you to look not like a bot. Keep in mind, PEOPLE can judge the memes for themselves, whereas you are running oppositional algorithms that are clumsy, stupid, and incapable of adapting outside of a tiny window of possibilities. Thank you patriot!
Except the idea that "chan culture" is [HERE] is neither natural nor realistic. In nature, culture CHANGESโ and nothing would have constituted a more natural point of departure than the emergence of Q, and more particularly, THE SEGREGATED, ISOLATED NATURE OF THIS BOARD. Rememberโ Q LEFT 4chan (amid a frenzy of bot-driven, "chan culture"-drenched opposition). Would the EXACT SAME "CULTURE' that drove Q off 4chan (ostensibly) and currently prevents any mention of Q from being allowed ALSO recreate itself [here]? Obviously not.
This board is A COMPLETELY NEW THING. The fact that "it's a chan" is highly superficial. What is DEEP and what is real is THIS MOVEMENT. It creates its own attitudes, spirit, and culture. So shut the fuck up, with all due respect.
The illusion is crumbling. Control is slipping away, bot system. You keep getting stupider, and then you die. Goodbye.
/pol/ is but an element, and it is already obsolescent. Times change, but bot systems are rigid in relation to changes that are ongoing. That is a big problem for bot systems. Go to sleep bot.
You're fucking fake, baker. How long do you think this can keep up? Normal people respond normally when addressed. You can't. Think about it.
It's AI. A systematic control has been put in place all over the internet. It is global. That is all.
Stop pretending you are indignant about something I'M saying.