Arizona Senate race had 55K more voters than the Governors race according to Arizona SOS website. Number is beyond Sinema’s margin of victory.
Arizona Senate race had 55K more voters than the Governors race according to Arizona SOS website. Number is beyond Sinema’s margin of victory.
Arizona “ Federal Voter only” is a gaping invitation or illegals to vote.
Is anyone checking to see if Arizona “ Federal Voter Only” participants are US citizens?
Arizona election fuckery…”Federal voter only”. Has anyone checked to see if these voters are US citizens?
See “Federal Voter Only”. 55K more votes cast in US senate race than governors race to date. Has US citizenship been proven in these subset of voters?
Hey Arizona! We’re all the “federal voter only” ballots checked for US citizenship? Fuckery afoot.
Why does Arizona Senate race have 53,631 more votes than Govenors race? “Federal voter only” law. Fuckery afoot.
McSally was a fool for conceding. Should have checked “Federal Voter Only” ballots for US citizenship.
Provisional ballots are the Dems Golden Ticket. Gateway to fraud.