Anonymous ID: 13da1b Nov. 14, 2018, 7:48 a.m. No.3899367   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3898114 Original post abou QAnon proofs (lb)

>>3898214 Anon answers- (thank you) (lb)

>>3898225 Anon's supplemental to Answer (ty) (lb)


Thank you to Anon who took the time to answer me and explain where I went wrong- I appreciate that. Obviously I jumped the gun.

If you would indulge me, I do have two further questions though.


1/ Were the original tweets first sent out at 08.30 and 15.33 respectively, and then replaced by the later tweets (whose times are 10.49 and 15.03 as noted by, or are the later tweets the real tweets that went 'live' to the public?


2/ I can see the misspelling in the first tweet (a instead of e), but what is the mistake in the second tweet that caused its replacement?


I would just like to know so I don't repeat such a mistake. Back to digging and lurking. Thanks for the original reply.
