Anonymous ID: 2fe2ee Nov. 14, 2018, 6:42 a.m. No.3898691   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8791 >>8903 >>9005 >>9129

>>3898532 (pb)

>Until the mockingbird media gets taken down...


This is exactly it. The media is all-in. In today's world where people live on sound bytes, "news" articles interject their narrative in the headlines. I see "Trump falsely …" and "Without evidence, Trump …". People's minds agree with the conclusions without even looking at the articles. I see it all the time at work.


Breaking the MSM isn't a nice-to-have. It's a requirement. Watching the MSM ratcheting up their volume gives me confidence in the plan. I don't recall so much time ever spent on discrediting a conspiracy theory.


I haven't stopped trying or believing. But, I have been re-reading drops, and think when Q says to enjoy the show, we need to take a more active role in enjoying, and not think we always have to be doing.