Anonymous ID: 544c25 Nov. 14, 2018, 7:34 a.m. No.3899194   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9250 >>9257 >>9273 >>9291 >>9343 >>9382 >>9408

This was Posted to Trumps Twatter and Gateway Pundit.


okaise @Tokaise


@POTUS @realDonaldTrump

I wonder if you have an idea of how low the morale is on the Right. I see people who have posted for years quitting. It isn't losing the House. We knew that was a possibility. We see our country slipping away. Morals gone, integrity, honor all gone. Freedom of speech a myth. Sanctity of the vote gone. Corruption rife throughout our government. Committing crimes seemingly without punishment. Big Tech, MSM and the left colluding to win elections. MSM a propaganda tool of the left. Lying to us daily. Illegals pouring into our country. They are slowly stealing America and I'm not sure one man can stop this. I say this with tears in my eyes. Our representatives allowed them to remove God from everywhere, but inside the church and did nothing. Our representative let them subsidize Planned Parenthood and did nothing as millions of babies are murdered in the womb. They allowed them to put men in women's restroom. They sat back while they claimed mental illness and perversion were the new norm. Our representatives watch as they strip the 2nd amendment. The left aide illegals to pour into our neighborhoods. Taking away jobs and safety and our representatives do nothing. They brought Muslims into our neighborhoods. Who will never assimilate. They are taught to hate us and our representatives do nothing. The left want us to believe the rise in antisemitism is rhetoric. Just happens to coincide with the increase in Muslims. Every day we are under attack. We are told we are all manner of reprehensible names. I'm not sure how long decent people will remain passive under such pressure. WE ARE BEING BEATEN IN THE STREETS, SPAT ON. FECES, EGGS, M80'S BOTTLES ARE THROWN, PROPERTY DESTROYED TRAFFIC BLOCKED and our representatives do nothing. They who are dressed in Black wearing masks, and initiated the violence are hailed as heroes by the media and the left. We who PEACEFULLY ASSEMBLE AND PRAY are called right-wing extremist. Now they are openly stealing elections and laughing as they do it and again we hear talk, tweet and strongly worded letters. But our representative do nothing. I no longer recognize my America and for that my soul weeps.

At the end of the day. I hold fast to my faith in God.

He alone knows the end from the beginning.

I believe you are the one chosen by God for just this time. I as a flawed human being may stumble, but God never fails us. So I pray and I hope every believer prays . for you, your family, this administration and our beloved country.

I see no way, even with all you're doing, that one man can turn this around. So I hope Believer will #PRAYForAMERICA #PRAYForAMERICA #PRAYForAMERICA #PRAYForAMERICA