Anonymous ID: 6eb81b Nov. 14, 2018, 7:22 a.m. No.3899068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9118 >>9293 >>9322 >>9365 >>9388

>>3898714 Word indeed. Many of us here excel at observing people…how they appear and how they interact. When I look at the Generals very closely, I see men who are what men should aspire to be. They are "that which is best in men," as King Arthur said to the dying Lancelot. They have lived their lives with discipline & purpose. Looking into their faces, I see myself, only taken to a higher level. Am saying that I see them through the eyes of a man from their own age cohort, who realizes what it took for them to be where they are. They are honorable & legit & it is visible in their words & actions.


If you had prepared assiduously for your entire life to climb Everest, then stood on the lower slopes there, knowing it would be your only chance ever, but the weather conditions made it possible but even more dangerous, would you go for it anyway? Yes you would—to not go would negate the entire purpose of your life, might as well open your veins. These men are going for it and going for it hard. They know what they are doing.


Ditto for DJT, who is different but equally excellent. An unparalleled individual who arrived at the critical spot at the critical moment via a path that only he could traverse. We could not have dreamed up a finer leader.


We plebs arrived in our own ways, but I feel that legit anons were literally pulled here by a righteous force. Our cause is just. Let each man do his duty.