Anonymous ID: 8b4139 Nov. 14, 2018, 6:39 a.m. No.3898664   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8873 >>9114 >>9206

>>3898068 (lb)

McKibben, Founder of Leader Technologies has been engaged in massive forensic research to produce indictable evidence for their case against Facebook. Several times along the way, they’ve been floored by discoveries about how the world actually works, in the spheres of high finance, governments and telecommunications.


A recent finding has left him particularly flabbergasted: Hillary Clinton and her cronies have access to all of the digital keys for all transactions on the planet. In other words, unless you can build a new Internet, you – and say, your cryptocurrencies, for example – are accessible by them. This is literally how they can (and do) “turn off your chip”, in the words of the late Aaron Russo.


It started back in the 1980s, while Hillary was a patent attorney at the Rose Law Firm, which for some odd reason represented the patent claims of many of the entities who would become today’s Tech Giants. (That’s a long story that I’ll attempt to unpack in future posts).


Focusing back on the fundamental encryption keys used on the Internet: McKibben says that back in 1993, the Clinton Administration began giving these backdoor encryption keys to the FBI. He says, “By that I mean, anytime you connect from one computer to another, those computers exchange keys and without those keys, you can’t encrypt or decrypt the signal coming from one machine to another.


“So literally, these keys are used in every transaction on the planet that uses the Internet and what we’ve discovered and – I’m still reeling, my mind is boggled by what we’ve now come to find out, but that a company called Entrust was created in 1998 as a spin-off of a Canadian telephone company [Nortel, a now-defunct Canadian telecommunications conglomerate, with people like former US Secretary of Defense, Frank Carlucci on its Board of Directors. Its 2009 bankruptcy was the largest in Canadian history, leaving pensioners and shareholders with staggering losses while Nortel executives continued to draw “retention bonuses” totaling US$190 million during the eight-year post-bankruptcy period].


McKibben says that even the NSA is subservient to the Entrust Operation, which controls the entire Federal Public Key Infrastructure Architecture (FPKIA).

Anonymous ID: 8b4139 Nov. 14, 2018, 7:01 a.m. No.3898873   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This was part of notable from last bread. Are there computer gurus here who can determine whether project ivy is related to cloudfare?


>>3898166, >>3898180, >>3898228 (You), >>3898346 Moar on [Project Ivy]