Anonymous ID: 8c376c Nov. 14, 2018, 6:40 a.m. No.3898674   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3898532 pb


I just tell them that things are crazy in the world right now, there are 2 sets of news, the msm set that you know, and the set that I pay attention to, and in my set of news, a lot of popular democrats and fbi agents are going to jail. I don't know what set of facts is right, but there's definitely a big set of facts that you know nothing about. And the msm set of facts is definitely wrong.

Anonymous ID: 8c376c Nov. 14, 2018, 6:53 a.m. No.3898791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8807 >>8903



That's some solid writing there.


Q is saying, with "more active role in enjoying" that we don't serve any particular active purpose.


You would think that Trump would do something about the MSM.


Now, we know that things got worse after that law was passed allowing the US Government to spend money on certain types of propaganda that they were not allowed to do before.


Maybe at some point, you know, get rid of that law. That's the "go ahead and put the CIA in charge of the networks" law.


I would like to tax the fuck out of ads. When TV station sells air time to time buying company, there is no sales tax there. Why not? Why not Fuck The TV Stations?


Disney Allowed To Buy Fox? Fuck that noise. No fucking way, nope. Fuck You Disney. Fuck You Fox.


And more generally, rip these companies apart, a new interpretation of Sherman Anti Trust Act, and associated Anti Trust Law that says, woah, these companies are far bigger and have far more influence than the companies that we thought were too big some 120-150 years ago, and passed the Sherman Anti-Trust Act to fix this problem.


New doctrine - so many companies are just too big. We let them get too big, and now we have to break them all up into little pieces.

Anonymous ID: 8c376c Nov. 14, 2018, 6:57 a.m. No.3898833   🗄️.is 🔗kun



so what's the solution. I'd like to see the solutions that some might have. If the shills are trying to help, what do they have to offer as an alternative to "trust the plan"?

Anonymous ID: 8c376c Nov. 14, 2018, 7:27 a.m. No.3899117   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9133



What has been happening is that apparently Q has been in the news recently, and more people are coming here.


And there is really a dominant opinion here that Jews Suck.


And that's really quite new for a lot of people. Q wants 1) Lock Her Up and 2) Drain The Swamp, and the people here want Lock Her Up and Drain The Swamp, and they also, the majority, think that Jews Suck. They have more to say about how Jews Suck than they really understand about all the crimes of Hillary and the Deep State. This very anti-Jew place is the home of Q. And everything works very nicely here and very smoothly despite attacks.