Anonymous ID: eba398 Nov. 14, 2018, 6:48 a.m. No.3898747   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3898251 (lb)

>>3898228 (lb)

>>3898166 (lb)

>>3898068 (lb)


Posted last night about how Agenda 21, strong/resilient/safe cities may tie into this as an infrastructure for which cities have (by consent) tied into sustainable development per globalist perspective.


With standing back & looking at the big picture of how fires, election fraud, DJT’s recent comments about how he won’t forgive Obamass, the anti-Nationalist rhetoric from Macaroni, calls for EU army…


The silent war is truly about DJT as Nationalist against Globalist, and to now put Agenda 21 into perspective: our US cities along w/cities across the globe ‘’’consented’’’ to be a part of the agenda. This probably gave backdoor infrastructure mobilizing that we’re seeing w/the Cloudfare, allegations of votes being counted outside of US by foreign agents, the “federal” designation on ballots.


To bring back oldies from the news for perspective integrating what we’re seeing now w/voter fraud:


Pilot cities that signed on under Obamass - 2011 (since then I think I’ve seen a list of other cities also signed on & under a different name, but same deal):


Strong cities reaffirmed through Obamass press release in 2015 as a ‘’’Network to strengthen resilience against violent extremism’’’.


How this network preempts congressional consent by having UN oversight & control:


Strong cities network:


Looks like cities signed away the farm, strategic networking with consent built the infrastructure a long time ago, and the question now is – did this enable the power to build the global communication wherein US election data & data manipulation was under the auspices of the global governing body of Agenda 21? Or to put the question another way: How does the election fraud situation that constitutional American patriots see unfolding glaringly right now (was already happening) tie into the globalist agenda?


Gotta go Workfag. Have blessed day Anons. Don't feed the ShillFucks.