Anonymous ID: 12702f Nov. 14, 2018, 9:42 a.m. No.3900785   🗄️.is 🔗kun


yes good advice from anons, research


what you need to do is to put stuff into context, the context is that there is a war going on between evil and good, basically its an eternal war and we are part of it, its not an intergalactic war its an inner war, within every one


atm evil have all bases, they push a random mechanistic world view in contrast to a god centered world view


so evil owns the communication channels across the line, that means that the "UFO" - phenomenon will be interpreted in favor of their model, galactic random big bang kind of stuff


on the other hand, there is room for incursions from other dimensions in the god centered model as well.


my personal take atm is that it is all fake and gay, it only serves one purpose, to hide god


actually two, just as in the new age psyop and the RV reset and all the gold in indonesia stuff and all that one major aspect of it that it makes people dependant on the gig, always waiting for some external force to save them


the real truth is that noone will save us, except ourselves, q just helps anons to become good in discerning truth