Anonymous ID: 40b41a Nov. 14, 2018, 8:56 a.m. No.3900192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0214 >>0230

Feds Investigating Altered Election Documents Tied To Florida Democratic Party


The Florida Department of State (DoS) last week has asked federal prosecutors to investigate official election documents with the dates changed, which the department says can be tied to the Florida Democratic Party, according to Politico.


The concerns, which the department says can be tied to the Florida Democratic Party, center around date changes on forms used to fix vote-by-mail ballots sent with incorrect or missing information. Known as “cure affidavits,” those documents used to fix mail ballots were due no later than 5 p.m. on Nov. 5 — the day before the election. But affidavits released on Tuesday by the DOS show that documents from four different counties said the ballots could be returned by 5 p.m. on Thursday, which is not accurate. -Politico


Unsurprisingly, one of the counties under scrutiny is Broward - which is now conducting no less than six recounts, after the results of three statewide races and three local legislative races have been called into question amid mysteriously found ballots and lingering questions over the chain of custody governing the proper handling of voting materials.


Republicans are pointing to Broward Elections chief Brenda Snipes' dubious history of election gaffes, with many suggesting that she is rigging the election in favor of Democratic candidates.


That said, the Florida DoS has repeatedly insisted that their employees sent to observe the Broward election process have seen no evidence of election fraud - waiting until Tuesday to acknowledge that it had turned over information to federal prosecutors last week. On Nov. 9, DoS interim general counsel, Bradley McVay, asked that the altered dates be investigated.


"Altering a form in a manner that provides the incorrect date for a voter to cure a defect … imposes a burden on the voter significant enough to frustrate the voter’s ability to vote," said McVay in his Nov. 9 letter sent to US Attorneys Christopher Canova of the Northern District of Florida, Maria Chapa Lopez of the Middle District of Florida and Ariana Fajardo Orshan in the Southern District of Florida.


In recently released emails, one voter reports receiving a call from the Democratic Party after she was sent a cure affidavit with the wrong date.


The records released by DOS, which is part of Gov. Rick Scott’s administration, point the finger at the Florida Democratic Party. Political parties can get daily lists of people who had their mail-in ballots rejected. Political parties — or anyone else — can also get the publicly available cure affidavits and send them to voters who had a mail-in ballot rejected to encourage them to fix the ballots.


In an email chain released as part of the Department of State's Tuesday document dump, Citrus County Supervisor of Elections Susan Gill last week told DOS officials that a voter who received one of the cure affidavits with the wrong date had also received a call from a number identified as the Tallahassee office of the Florida Democratic Party, an indication the party was reaching out about her vote by mail ballot.


"When I called it, it is the Democratic Party of Florida," she said in a Nov. 8 email to DOS officials. -Politico


The woman said that she think the incorrect date was used since whoever sent the cure affidavit swapped the deadline for cure affidavits with the deadline for provisional ballots. "a bigger problem is the fact they actually changed one of the DOE forms," she said.


In a different email, Okaloosa County Supervisor of Elections, Paul Lux, said he believed that the affidavits came from the Florida Democratic Party.


"Please pass the word to the FDP that they can't arbitrarily add their own deadline to your form or VBM cures!!," Lux emailed to DoS officials on Nov. 9, adding "This is crazy!"


In a Tuesday interview with POLITICO, Lux said he received an email from someone sending a cure affidavit marked with the wrong date that included a Florida Democratic Party email address. The email does contain the email address, which is associated with the party. -Politico


A spokeswoman for the Florida Democratic Party brushed off the issue - claiming that the Scott administration's election office is using it as a distraction.


"The courts have already forced Rick Scott to drop a lawsuit after false claims of fraud, and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement rejected his desperate attempts to interfere with the important work of counting ballots," said Caroline Rowland in an email to Politico. "Now, Scott is once again trying to divert attention and resources from a smooth and successful recount."

Anonymous ID: 40b41a Nov. 14, 2018, 8:58 a.m. No.3900221   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0235 >>0362

MOAR Background on Israeli defense chief


Bomb Egypt, behead disloyal Arabs: Israel parts ways with 'Jewish ISIS' defense chief


Avigdor Lieberman has resigned as Israel's defense chief, but his inflammatory utterances – ranging from calling for disloyal Arabs to be beheaded, to proposing Egypt be bombed – remain as reminders of his right-wing politics.


Lieberman, who created Israel's right-wing Yisrael Beiteinu party, resigned as defense minister on Wednesday after denouncing the government's recent ceasefire with Hamas as a "capitulation to terror." If you think that sounds a wee bit immoderate, you clearly have not familiarized yourself with Avigdor Lieberman's decades of imprudent utterances. The politician's peculiar brand of secular nationalism has led to repeated accusations of extremism – even fascism.

Disloyal Arabs should be beheaded


Lieberman has the rare distinction of being perhaps the only Israeli minister to have called for the beheading of Arab citizens. Speaking at an election rally in March 2015, Lieberman – who was serving as Israel's foreign minister at the time – said that Israel's Arab minority, which makes up some 20 percent of the country's population, must show loyalty to the state or face the consequences.


Those who are against us, there's nothing to be done – we need to pick up an axe and cut off his head. Otherwise we won't survive here.


The provocative remarks were not received well, with one Arab-Israeli legislator demanding an investigation into the comments insisting this is akin to creating "Jewish ISIS."


More recently, Lieberman said that Israeli-Arabs who protested Washington's decision to relocate its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem "don't belong" in Israel and "are acting to harm us and destroy us from within." He also called for an economic boycott of Wadi Ara, an Israeli town populated mainly by Arab citizens.

Israel should drown Palestinian prisoners in the Dead Sea


Lieberman's antipathy for Arabs has been the politician's most consistent policy stance. In July 2003, the then-transportation minister offered to bus Palestinian prisoners to the Dead Sea – where, according to Lieberman's proposal, they would be drowned.


His suggestion enraged Arab members of the Knesset, with one calling Lieberman's comments "the ultimate fascist statement."

Drop nukes on Hamas?


Lieberman's resignation over Israel's recent ceasefire with Hamas is far from surprising if you consider just how much the Israeli statesman truly loathes the group. In January 2009, Lieberman said that Hamas must be made to "lose the will to fight" – and that Israel should look to the United States' war with Imperial Japan as an example.


We must continue to fight Hamas just like the United States did with the Japanese in World War II.


He went on to note that the US military was able to defeat the Japanese without occupying the Japanese mainland – a not-so-subtle nod at America's use of atomic bombs to force the Japanese into an unconditional surrender.



Anonymous ID: 40b41a Nov. 14, 2018, 9 a.m. No.3900251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0293 >>0475

72 percent say media ‘dividing Americans,’ spreading ‘hate’


Nearly three-quarters of the country believes that the media is “dividing Americans” along political, racial, and gender lines, a stunning condemnation of the press, according to a new national survey.


What’s more, the Zogby Analytics poll provided to Secrets said that the media bias is sparking hate and misunderstanding.


And while Americans also blame President Trump for dividing voters, the survey analysis said the media is worse. Those surveyed, said Zogby Analytics, “felt the mainstream media spreads hate and misunderstanding, also felt that President Trump is responsible for the spread of hate and misunderstanding, but more voters overall, and in most sub-groups, blame the media slightly more!”


Overall, 72 percent said “the mainstream media has played a major role in dividing Americans along racial, gender and political lines. This has led to a spread of hate and misunderstanding among some people.”


Only two-thirds said the same about Trump.

Anonymous ID: 40b41a Nov. 14, 2018, 9:04 a.m. No.3900288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0330 >>0398

‘The tongue kills like a knife’: Pope Francis equates gossiping with terrorism


In a strongly worded warning, Pope Francis decried gossip as a form of “terrorism” which ruins reputations, and said that fake news is a modern day scourge of the church faithful.


During his Wednesday address to the general public in St. Peter’s Square, the Pope explored the eighth commandment, “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”


“We all live by communicating, and we are continuously on the edge between truth and lies,” Francis said, adding that misinformation is inherently dangerous “because the tongue kills like a knife.”


The media-savvy pontiff is known for using hyperbolic speech to emphasize a point, and potentially steal a few headlines in the process, especially as his church is beset with a growing number of child sex abuse scandals.


He went one step further on Wednesday in reiterating previous remarks in which he equated gossipers and liars to terrorists: “Gossipers are terrorists because with their tongues they drop a bomb and then leave, and the bomb they drop destroys reputations everywhere.”


“Don’t forget: to gossip is to kill,” the pope warned.


From South America, to the US, and across Europe, more and more abuse survivors are coming forward, forcing the church to pay over $4 billion in compensation worldwide.


The Pope tweeted later on Wednesday that Jesus requires absolute, unwavering faith and that loving Jesus is a case of “all or nothing” for Catholics around the world.


However, many online saw the Pope’s strongly worded message as a potentially veiled swipe at abuse survivors, or a cynical attempt to shift news coverage away from the multiple sex scandals and alleged cover-ups recently revealed.

Anonymous ID: 40b41a Nov. 14, 2018, 9:05 a.m. No.3900307   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Facebook Live Used To Auction Child Bride (16) In Sudan


500 cows, three luxury cars and $10,000. That is how much a wealthy businessman in Sudan paid for a 16-year-old child bride auctioned on Facebook. Rumors on social media say the traders used Facebook live to conduct the auction with multiple bidders. For anyone that has seen the movie Taken (the first one) with Liam Neeson and believes that the (attention spoiler) girl auction at the end is fiction, think again.


These things do happen both in the Middle East and Africa, and slave traders are using Silicon Valley’s platforms to sell their services, which is much easier than having to invite your clients to travel halfway around the world of course.


NGOs point out that about half of Sudanese girls are married before they hit 18 and thus the auction was not that surprising. They did admit being surprised at Facebook allowing this to take place, as the invites were sent out several days before the actual event happened.


Pictures of the girl in a white wedding gown were shared on various social media sites. Some reports referred to her as a “virgin bride” or “the most expensive woman in South Sudan”.


“That a girl could be sold for marriage on the world’s biggest social networking site … is beyond belief,” said Mr George Otim, country director of Plan International South Sudan.


Human rights activists fear that the successful auction means that slave traders in more African countries will resort to Facebook or other platforms to offer their businesses.


As the Goldwater regularly posts their articles on Gab, allow us to make this side note: given that the mass shooter in California last week posted on Instagram during his killing spree and Facebook continues to be used for inhumane purposes like ISIS videos or child bride auctions, we assume they will face the same ban as Gab did?



Anonymous ID: 40b41a Nov. 14, 2018, 9:07 a.m. No.3900328   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0342 >>0355 >>0364 >>0560 >>0790 >>0847

George Conway Launches Anti-Trump Group for Conservative Attorneys


Lawyer George Conway, the husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, is launching a group aimed at encouraging right-leaning attorneys to “speak out” against President Donald Trump.


“We believe in the rule of law, the power of truth, the independence of the criminal justice system, the imperative of individual rights and the necessity of civil discourse,” the mission statement of the recently formed group “Check and Balances” reads. “We believe these principles apply regardless of the party or persons in power.”


Over a dozen conservative attorneys, including former acting Attorney General Pete D. Keisler and ex-Gov. Tom Ridge (R-PA) are signees of the group’s founding document.


In an interview with the New York Times, Conway said he wants the group to act as a counter-balance to the Federalist Society, a group he says he has long respected but claims the “perception out there that conservative lawyers have essentially sold their souls for judges and regulatory reform.”


“We just want to be a voice speaking out, and to encourage others to speak out,” Conway told the Times.


According to Keisler, the group was created with the goal of stirring debate concerning President Trump’s agenda.


“It’s important that people from across the political spectrum speak out about the country’s commitment to the rule of law and the core values underlying it — that the criminal justice system should be nonpartisan and independent, that a free press and public criticism should be encouraged and not attacked,” Keisler, who worked under former President George W. Bush, said.


Conway, a frequent critic of the president, recently co-wrote a Times opinion-editorial in which he argued that appointment of Matthew Whitaker as acting Attorney General is “unconstitutional” and “illegal.” President Trump dismissed the op-ed, saying Conway is “just trying to get publicity for himself.”

Anonymous ID: 40b41a Nov. 14, 2018, 9:08 a.m. No.3900333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0353 >>0428 >>0605 >>0716

Schumer To Florida: Forget The Vote Tally Deadlines. The More Time, The Better.



On Tuesday, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) offered his typically partisan perspective, this time urging Florida election officials to disregard deadlines for submitting vote tallies in the Senate race in which Florida GOP Gov. Rick Scott holds a narrow lead over incumbent Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson.


Speaking at a joint press conference with Nelson in Washington, D.C., Schumer boasted, “The more time that passes since election day, the better things keep looking for Democrats. Supervisors of the elections should have all the time they need to count Floridians’ ballots to make sure that the candidate with the most votes is actually seated in January. Even if the vote count has to go beyond Sunday.”


Schumer sounded ebullient about Nelson’s chances, saying, “Republicans know that if this recount is conducted fairly and thoroughly that Sen. Nelson has an excellent chance of being reelected. If this is done fair and square, we believe Sen. Nelson has an excellent chance, a much greater than half chance of being reelected.”


Camille Gallo, a spokeswoman for the Senate GOP campaign, countered, “Despite Schumer’s nonsensical claim that victory is right around the corner, it’s well past time for Nelson to hang it up and let Floridians move on from his failed reelection campaign.”


Schumer attacked President Trump, blasting, “President Trump and Gov. Scott seem dead set against counting every vote. Why? Because they’re worried if every vote is counted, Bill Nelson will be reelected as senator from the great state of Florida,” adding that Trump and Scott were “attempting to bully the election officials in Florida out of doing their jobs in an attempt to win this election.”


On Monday, Trump had tweeted, “The Florida Election should be called in favor of Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis in that large numbers of new ballots showed up out of nowhere, and many ballots are missing or forged. An honest vote count is no longer possible-ballots massively infected. Must go with Election Night!”


Nelson charged Scott with “using his power as governor to try to undermine the voting process. He’s thrown around words like voter fraud, with no proof.” Schumer added, “Gov. Scott needs to recuse himself from any involvement in the recount and do it now. He’s a contestant in this election and can’t possibly be trusted to be a neutral and fair arbiter as the votes are tallied.”


Comparing the Florida race to the 2000 presidential election, when Florida was the key to the race between George W. Bush and Al Gore, prompting a recount of the state’s vote, Schumer said his reasoning for a delay in reporting the vote tallies was that the November election did not affect the electoral vote. He said, “We will not have a rerun of 2000, when bullying and intimidation ruled and created a rush to judgement that, to this day, many Americans believe that election was unfairly decided. That cannot happen again.”


The results of the current machine recount of the Scott-Nelson battle are due on Thursday; the results of a manual recount would have to be delivered by Sunday.

Anonymous ID: 40b41a Nov. 14, 2018, 9:09 a.m. No.3900348   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0364 >>0371 >>0395 >>0465 >>0560 >>0790 >>0847

The Mob That Doxxed Tucker Carlson Is Already Back On Twitter


Smash Racism DC, the group that organized a mob outside of Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s home last week, broke Twitter policy to create a new account after they were suspended by the social media platform.


Twitter suspended Smash Racism DC, which was previously operating under the handle “@SmashRacismDC” after they posted tweets containing Carlson’s address and video of a mob screaming threats outside of Carlson’s home.


Carlson, also a Daily Caller co-founder, said his wife was home alone at the time and thought she was the victim of a home invasion.


The group’s new account is still named “Smash Racism DC” and has the same profile picture but uses the handle “@DCAgainstRacism.”


The account was created sometime in November and has about 50 followers. It has retweeted five other Antifa-related accounts but has no original tweets.


Twitter’s rules state that “Accounts created to replace or mimic suspended accounts may be permanently suspended. We may also remove accounts which Twitter is able to reliably attribute to entities known to violate the Twitter Rules.”


Fox News’s account, which has 18.2 million followers, has not tweeted in six days to protest Twitter’s handling of Smash Racism DC’s initial suspension. Fox reportedly complained to Twitter about the account, but instead of immediately removing the inappropriate content, Twitter insisted Fox open a support ticket.


Twitter did not take action against Smash Racism DC until The Daily Caller News Foundation reached out for comment on the threatening and doxxing posts.


Fox News has not clarified what it hopes to gain from the protest or how long the protest will last.


Twitter did not respond to a request for comment on Smash Racism DC’s new account.

Anonymous ID: 40b41a Nov. 14, 2018, 9:11 a.m. No.3900365   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Federal Judge Rules Georgia County Violated Civil Rights Act


A federal judge ruled on Tuesday that officials in Gwinnett County, Georgia, violated the Civil Rights Act when they decided to disallow certain absentee ballots.


U.S. District Judge Leigh Martin May ruled that county officials broke the Civil Rights Act when they opted to discount absentee ballots that listed an incorrect or omitted birth year.


“Does Gwinnett County’s process of rejecting absentee ballots solely on the basis of an omitted or incorrect birth year violate the Civil Rights Act, 52 U.S.C. § 10101(a)(2)(B)? The Court finds, on the arguments presented, that it does and that this narrow set of ballots should be counted,” the case document read.


Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams filed the lawsuit on Sunday. She wanted all ballots that had been disallowed for missing or incorrect minor information to be counted anyway in Gwinnett and DeKalb counties, both of which are heavily blue areas.


This ruling came down a day after a different judge ordered state elections officials to preserve all provisional ballots filled out for the midterm elections in the ongoing gubernatorial race between Abrams and Republican Brian Kemp.


U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg also ruled late on Monday that Georgia officials cannot certify the election until the end of business on Friday.


Kemp has a lead over Abrams, taking 50.3 percent of the vote with all precincts reporting, according to The Associated Press Monday. He declared victory on election night, despite Abram’s refusal to concede.

Anonymous ID: 40b41a Nov. 14, 2018, 9:13 a.m. No.3900399   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Listen — Farage: This is the Worst Deal in History Because The People Who Oppose Brexit Are Still in Charge


The betrayal of the greatest democratic exercise in British history is now complete with the UK moving to subject itself to taxation without representation and a Brexit in name only, Nigel Farage told Breitbart radio in his damning assessment of Theresa May’s proposed deal with the European Union.


Brexit leader Mr Farage gave his rundown on Theresa May’s deal with the European Union to Breitbart News Daily host Alex Marlow on Wednesday, when he said he was “absolutely incensed” over the news. Pressed to give his analysis of the situation, Mr Farage told the programme: “…this is awful! We have agreed to give the European Union something between 40 to 60 billion sterling ($50-75 billion).


“We have agreed with the European Union for the next few years to stay part of a customs union, which means all the rules and regulations that affect every aspect of industry and business will be the ones that are made by Europe — both the old ones and the new ones that are coming in. We have agreed that during that period we will have no say over those rules whatsoever, even if they introduce [new rules] that [are] very disadvantageous to British industry.


“Written into the small print, is an agreement that during this next phase when we negotiate a further trade deal, we will have to stay in regulatory alignment with EU law until 2030…. this should work with an American audience, this is taxation without representation!


“Let’s go back to the Boston tea party if you like. It will mean a continuance for the foreseeable future of open borders, we will not be taking back our fishing rights, we will not be able to negotiate trade deals with the U.S.A, it is Brexit in name only. ”


Mr Farage explained that Britain would be withdrawing from the treaty that makes it an official member of the EU in March 2019; under May’s plan this withdrawal would be immediately followed by entering a new treaty which would hold a wide variety of powers over the United Kingdom, which would leave the nation unable to command its own destiny.


He said: “[May’s deal] keeps us wrapped inside this straightjacket which means we’re not making our own laws, we’re not able to conduct trade deals with the U.S.A. or elsewhere, and we’re not able to take any competitive advantage.


“And I nearly forgot! Open borders and free movement will continue as well, we won’t get back the right to catch our own fish in our own waters. I’ve been warning for some time that the great Brexit betrayal had begun, but I can now say this morning that it is complete… It is the worst deal in history.”

Anonymous ID: 40b41a Nov. 14, 2018, 9:17 a.m. No.3900434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0521 >>0560 >>0790 >>0847

Mexican Presidents Deny They Took Bribes from El Chapo


Two former Mexican presidents publicly denied taking bribes from the Sinaloa Cartel. The statements came after the legal defense for Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán Loera made contrary claims this week.


The drug lord is facing several money laundering and drug trafficking charges at a federal trial in New York. In his opening statement, defense attorney Jeffrey Lichtman spoke of bribes “including the very top, the current president of Mexico and the former.”


Soon after the statements became public, Mexico’s government issued a statement denying the allegations. Eduardo Sanchez, the spokesman for current Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto said the statements were false and “defamatory.”


Former Mexican President Felipe Calderon took to social media to personally deny the allegations, claiming that neither El Chapo or the Sinaloa Cartel paid him bribes.


Under Guzman’s leadership, the Sinaloa Cartel became the largest drug trafficking organization in the world with influence in every major U.S. city.


The allegations against Pena Nieto are not new. In 2016, Breitbart News reported on an investigation by Mexican journalists which revealed how Juarez Cartel operators funneled money into the 2012 presidential campaign. The investigation was carried out by Mexican award-winning journalist Carmen Aristegui and her team. The subsequent scandal became known as “Monexgate” for the cash cards that were given out during Peña Nieto’s campaign. The allegations against Pena Nieto went largely unreported by U.S. news outlets.

Anonymous ID: 40b41a Nov. 14, 2018, 9:18 a.m. No.3900452   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0480 >>0516 >>0713 >>0811

“Mysterious Helicopters” Continue To Evacuate ISIS Members From Battle Fields Across Middle East


There have been sporadic, but regular reports of “mysterious helicopters” extracting ISIS militants from battlefields in the Middle East.


Most recently, on November 13th, Syria’s official news agency SANA cited an anonymous source claiming that US-led military helicopters conducted an operation in the village of al-Suwayda in Hasakah province near the border with Iraq. They reportedly rescued several members of ISIS and transported them to an unknown location.


Between November 10th and 11th, an alleged US-led aircraft landed in the outskirts of al-Susah in Deir Ezzor province and took away three ISIS members.


Earlier, on October 7th, SANA also cited residents of the town of al-Shaafah who claimed that American helicopters evacuated ISIS commanders from the Abu Kamal area of Deir Ezzor province to an undisclosed location.


SANA also reported that on September 22nd the US-led coalition carried out an air landing operation in the outskirts of al-Mrashde village located in the pocket where ISIS militants spread in the southeastern countryside of Deir Ezzor, transferring a number of ISIS commanders.


On August 23rd, TASS reported that Russia recorded flights of mysterious helicopters supplying weapons to ISIS units active in Afghanistan.


“We would like to once again point to the flights of unidentified helicopters in northern Afghanistan, which deliver weapons and ammunition to local ISIL units and Taliban members cooperating with the group. In particular, the Afghan media and local residents say that such helicopters were seen in the Sar-e Pol Province,” Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.


On March 19th, SANA cited an anonymous source who claimed that three US military helicopters had evacuated suspected ISIS commanders from northeastern Syria. Reportedly the helicopters landed between the villages of al-Jissi and Kalu, 2 km south of the Tal Hamis township in the Qamishli District of al-Hasakah province.


In late February, Syrian media reported that US helicopters had transported ISIS commanders and their family members to Sabah al-Khair, about 20 km south of al-Hasakah, where US forces have been accused of establishing a terrorist training base.


According to SANA on December 29th, 2019 US helicopters evacuated the ISIS commanders from the Deir Ezzor province to al-Hasakah province in northeastern Syria. Sources say this is the second time the US evacuates ISIS terrorists.


In May 2017, anonymous local Syrian sources revealed that, US military helicopters evacuated a number of ISIS terrorist group commanders out of their stronghold in Syria’s Raqqa taking them to an undisclosed destination.


In May 2017, Mohammad Zahir Wahdat, governor of Afghanistan’s northern Sar-e Pol province also claimed that unmarked military helicopters had touched down briefly in a known militant stronghold. Stationed Afghan Security Forces could not take pictures because it happened at night.


The Pentagon has repeatedly denied this reports claiming that it is not cooperating with ISIS in any kind. However, the problem is that the US military also denies that it has reached any kind of deals with ISIS in Manbij and Raqqah, which is an obvious lie. So, as reports about US helicopters evacuating ISIS members or providing supplies to them continue to appear, the concern is growing that Washington is still using ISIS as a tool in its geopolitical standoff with other powers.

Anonymous ID: 40b41a Nov. 14, 2018, 9:22 a.m. No.3900500   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel’s Defense Minister Resigns Amid Truce With Hamas In Gaza, Pro-War Protests In Southern Israel


In the evening of November 13, hundreds of Israelis were protesting against the reported ceasefire with Gaza.


Protesters in the town of Sderot were blocking roads and burning tires. Some of them chanted “Bibi go home,” using a nickname for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Confrontations were reported between protesters and policemen.


Police said they were working to restore order, saying they would “allow freedom of expression and lawful protest” but not “disturbance of public order, violence towards policemen and civilians and riots on major roads.”


Approximately 500 people took part in the protest according to reports. Hadashot TV news claimed that southern residents were planning further protests and road blocks in Tel Aviv on November 14th.


Zionist Union leader Avi Gabbay expressed support for the protesters, saying it was a “justified” response to the government “forsaking” them. According to him, the government failed the southern residents by “neglecting” the issue of Gaza since the 2014 war.


He, however, did not extend hawkish calls. “This is not the time for another fragile truce,” he said. “This is the time for a true diplomatic initiative in Gaza, that will lean on the recommendations of the security establishment,” he said.


“Israel maintains its right to act. Requests from Hamas for a ceasefire came through four different mediators. Israel responded that the events on the ground will decide [if a ceasefire will go into effect],” an anonymous senior Israeli diplomatic official was cited by Times of Israel.


According to Channel 10 news on November 13th, at least four ministers opposed the decision for a truce during the security cabinet meeting. The report said Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, Environmental Protection Minister Ze’ev Elkin, and Education Minister Naftali Bennett proposed an alternative response, but it was rejected by the other ministers.


An anonymous source told Times of Israel that no vote to determine next steps took place during the meeting.


At the conclusion of the meeting, the security cabinet released a statement that read, “The security cabinet discussed the events in the south. The cabinet received briefings from the IDF and defense officials on the [IDF] strikes and widespread operations against terror targets in Gaza. The cabinet instructed the IDF to continue its strikes as needed.”


Hamas and other Gaza groups said that they had accepted an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire with Israel. Israel did not provide an immediate comment and the terms of the deal were undisclosed.


Terms of the deal appeared to be modest. Daoud Shehab, a spokesman for the Islamic Jihad militant group, said each side would promise quiet in exchange for quiet.


“It’s a mutual commitment to the cease-fire,” he said. “From our side, we responded positively to the Egyptian endeavor on the condition that the occupation does the same.”

Anonymous ID: 40b41a Nov. 14, 2018, 9:23 a.m. No.3900510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0560 >>0790 >>0815 >>0847 >>0861

Netanyahu announces he will take over as Israeli Defense Minister


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Wednesday afternoon that he will take over the role as Defense Minister.


Netanyahu’s decision to take over as Defense Minister comes just two hours after Avigdor Lieberman announced his resignation from this role.


Lieberman’s reason for resigning was due to his discontent over the recent ceasefire agreement that was established between the Palestinians and Israelis.


Netanyahu will now assume the role as Israel’s Defense Minister, along with Prime Minister, Health Minister, and Foreign Minister.


Some Palestinian groups, including Hamas, are now hailing Lieberman’s resignation as a political victory against Israel.

Anonymous ID: 40b41a Nov. 14, 2018, 9:26 a.m. No.3900550   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0617

Wide support for campaign against Hollywood’s support of Israel army


An online campaign against Hollywood stars’ support of the Israeli army has been launched this week.


VPalestine Team – the organisation behind the campaign – coined the hashtag #HollywoodFundsTerror on Twitter to denounce Hollywood stars’ support of the Israeli army and their raising of $60 million during a ceremony in New York.


Others wrote to a number of celebrities on their social media pages asking them to stop supporting the Israeli army due to its involvement in war crimes, as well as illegal and inhumane acts.


The Friends of the Israel Defence Forces (FIDF) held its annual conference at one of California’s prestigious hotels in Beverly Hills last week, with the participation of 1,200 famous personalities, including actors, singers, artists, athletes and well-known figures in the field of technology and fashion.


The most prominent celebrities who participated in the ceremony were Ashton Kutcher, Pharrell Williams, Gerard Butler, Katharine McPhee, Andy Garcia, Fran Drescher and Robert Horry.


The conference raised nearly $60 million in donations for the Israeli army, the largest amount raised in a single day since FIDF’s establishment in 1981. The organisation raised $6 million last year, marking a 10-fold increase this year. The donations will be given to Israeli army soldiers and their families and used for academic scholarships for veterans.


The fundraising sparked a backlash on Twitter, with one US-based Twitter user “Yukamama” saying:


We pay $11m a day to #Israel as a taxpayer while 49M Americans starve here so that #Palestine unarmed children can continue to be shot in #Gaza and $60m more support from Hollywood stars for Israel army. Disappointed.


The move also sparked anger among Palestinian, Arab and international Twitter users who support the Palestinian cause and reject the Israeli occupation. Quds News Network observed a number of Twitter posts rejecting Hollywood stars’ support of the Israeli army using the #HollywoodFundsTerror hashtag.


The tweets indicated a wide rejection of the Israeli occupation’s crimes, including its massacre of Great March of Return protesters in the besieged Gaza Strip that have led to the killing of at least 220 civilians and caused 24,000 injuries since the protests began on 30 March.

Anonymous ID: 40b41a Nov. 14, 2018, 9:28 a.m. No.3900568   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rival Declares Voting ‘Irregularities’ in Jerusalem Mayoral Race


The Times of Israel reports: Jerusalem mayoral candidate Moshe Lion declared victory early Wednesday in the runoff election, but his rival, Ofer Berkovitch, vowed his legal team would be looking into alleged “irregularities” at the polling stations.


The local ballot count from Tuesday’s vote ended with the ultra-Orthodox-backed candidate Lion ahead of Berkovitch by over 6,000 votes. Berkovitch had yet to concede the race, however, and the 8,500 votes by IDF soldiers, prisoners, and those cast in hospitals will only be counted on Wednesday, according to Army Radio. (Some 5,500 of those ballots were submitted by troops.) But Lion’s three-percentage point lead (51% vs. 48%) was deemed sufficient by Interior Minister Aryeh Deri and the candidate to confidently call the contest in his favor by 2 a.m.


“Jerusalem tonight chose unity, the sense of togetherness, the good,” Lion told a packed hall of supporters, many of whom were enthusiastically chanting “Aryeh Deri.”

Anonymous ID: 40b41a Nov. 14, 2018, 9:29 a.m. No.3900580   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0790 >>0847

Southern Israeli Schools Reopen as Gaza Truce Takes Effect


The Times of Israel reports: The IDF Home Front Command on Tuesday night removed all restrictions on residents of southern Israel, the army said, declaring a “return to normalcy” as an uneasy reported ceasefire with the Hamas terror group appeared to hold after two days of rocket fire.


Schools will be reopened on Wednesday, as will all businesses and government offices. Farmers will again be allowed to work in their fields. In a statement to residents, the head of the Eshkol regional council Gadi Yarkoni said: “We’ve had a difficult two days. Two days which are a continuation of life in the shadow of terrorism and a pendulum swinging between emergency and normalcy for eight months straight.”


He said he expected Israeli leaders and the army to “give us true peace and true calm” which would allow the communities to thrive. “We cannot accept the continued hopeless reality of life under the threat of terrorism that includes fires, balloons and rockets.”

Anonymous ID: 40b41a Nov. 14, 2018, 9:30 a.m. No.3900596   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0623

Six EU countries – and counting – back out from the global migration pact


Bulgaria has become the sixth EU country after Hungary, Austria, Poland, the Czech Republic and Croatia to signal that it will not sign the global migration agreement at a ceremony in Morocco in December.


The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration was approved in July by all 193 UN member nations except the United States, which had backed out last year.


Hungary’s right-wing government, led by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, a hardliner on immigration, said it will not sign the final document in Marrakesh.


Poland, which has also clashed with Brussels by resisting national quotas for asylum seekers, is considering the same step.


The Czech Republic was the next to announce that it is moving out of the deal.


In the meantime, it was reported that the Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović had announced that she would not sign “the Marrakesh agreement”, while the government still appears willing.


Bulgaria became the next in line, as it made clear it would not sign the pact, in an attempt to calm down boiling protests at home. Tsvetan Tsvetanov, the leader of the ruling GERB party in the country’s parliament, broke the news on Monday (12 November).


Various protests, including against the price of fuels and the expected increase of car insurance, are taking place simultaneously in Bulgaria, threatening to sink the fragile coalition between Boyko Borissov’s GERB with the United Patriots, a trio of nationalist and extremist forces.


Some of the scandals have recently have been engineered by the United Patriots, who hold two portfolios of deputy prime ministers.


In this context, Kornelia Ninova, the leader of the opposition Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP), said she would lead the battle against the global migration pact, which according to her was against the national interest. GERB’s move is seen as an attempt to defuse this new front.


On 31 October, the European Commission voiced its regret at the decision of Austria, the country holding the rotating EU presidency, not to sign the pact.


Critics of the pact say it blurs the line between legal and illegal migration.


Asked by EURACTIV to comment, Commission chief spokesperson Margaritis Schinas quoted his boss Jean-Claude Juncker having said earlier on Monday in Berlin, that “those countries that decided they are leaving the UN migration compact, had they read it, they would not have done it”.


Maja Kocijancic, spokesperson to EU foreign affairs chief Federica Mogherini, added that according to UN practice, the state representatives would not sign the compact, but adoption would take place either by consensus or vote.

Anonymous ID: 40b41a Nov. 14, 2018, 9:32 a.m. No.3900637   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How Yahoo Hacked 3 Billion User Accounts & Caused A Global Health Hazard


The cyber attacks on Yahoo occurred back in 2013 and 2014, but Yahoo first informed the public of these attacks in 2016 and 2017. All of their 3 billion users were affected, some of whom on two occasions, but in between these announcements, another revelation occurred. Incoming emails from all 3 billion Yahoo users’ accounts were also systematically scanned by the U.S. government in 2015. This time with Yahoo’s cooperation.


According to the World Health Organization:


“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”


The potential stress Yahoo may have caused by any number of their 3 billion users around the world, as well as any number of non-Yahoo users who sent emails to Yahoo users, makes them a global public health hazard, but the mainstream narrative focused on Verizon consequently paying less to buy Yahoo, and CEO Marissa Mayer having to forfeit her annual bonus and stock award.

Yahoo announces the largest user data breach in history


Sept 2016 and Yahoo announced that “at least 500 million user accounts” had been hacked in 2014. Having retrieved names, email addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, passwords and security questions and answers, it was hailed by the media as one of the largest cybersecurity breaches of all time. The company said they believed a “state-sponsored actor” was behind the data breach, meaning an individual acting on behalf of a foreign government.

Yahoo collaborates with U.S. government to spy on user emails


October 2016 and Reuters revealed that Yahoo users once again were having their emails accessed without their knowledge. This time by the U.S. government. The FBI and the National Security Agency (NSA) approached Yahoo to build a custom software program to read all of their users’ incoming emails. The program was in operation by May 2015 and was designed to search for a specific string or digital ‘signature’. This could be a phrase in an email or an attachment. When that ‘signature’ was found, that email or attachment was then copied and sent to the relevant U.S. intelligence agency server.


The program spied on every person who emailed a Yahoo! Mail account, implying every Yahoo! Mail user is guilty and violating the privacy of people around the world. Both Reuters and The New York Times stated that this is the first known case of a U.S. internet company agreeing to the systemic scanning of all arriving messages and real-time data collection at an intelligence agency’s request, as well as the first known time that a new program was created to do so.

Anonymous ID: 40b41a Nov. 14, 2018, 9:34 a.m. No.3900674   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0682 >>0721

New Mexico: Another Democrat Wins Congressional Seat After 8,000 Votes Were Found in a Warehouse


Republican Yvette Herrell campaigned for the 2nd Congressional District on a Trump-like platform, pro-border wall and speaking about illegal immigration, and appeared alongside Vice President Mike Pence and White House counselor Kellyanne Conway. Harrell is refusing to concede, as she claims that an hour after some media outlets called the race and she gave her victory speech, the Secretary of State’s office called and said, “They had magically found 4,000 ballots that had not been counted.” She said about an hour and a half later, the office called again and said there were an additional 4,000 ballots found.


Republican Yvette Herrell campaigned for the 2nd Congressional District on a Trump-like platform—pro-border wall and speaking about illegal immigration—and appeared alongside Vice President Mike Pence and White House counselor Kellyanne Conway.


And after narrowly losing the congressional race to Democrat Xochitl Torres Small in Tuesday’s election, Herrell showed up on President Donald Trump’s favorite TV network Saturday. The state legislator told a Fox News host that she isn’t conceding to Torres Small, and she questioned the counting of absentee ballots that provided the final margin of victory for her opponent.


According to Herrell, an hour after some media outlets called the race and she gave her victory speech, the Secretary of State’s office called and said, “They had magically found 4,000 ballots that had not been counted.” She said about an hour and a half later, the office said there were an additional 4,000 ballots.


The Secretary of State’s office said the election was fiar.


“Doña Ana County voters can have every confidence that their votes were counted properly and in accordance with the law and any suggestion that absentee ballots were somehow ‘magically found’ on election night is simply false,” spokesman Alex Curtas said in a statement.


These ballots were absentee ballots in Doña Ana County. NM Political Report wrote about the absentee ballot process in the county and how the county received more absentee ballots than the last two elections combined.


Herrell said the county knew there was record absentee turnout, and said the county clerk said they forgot about them. This is not true, however: The county clerk told NM Political Report that poll workers had been working on counting the ballots all day Tuesday.


“I think that maybe we need to look into it a little bit more,” Herrell said of the ballots that they finished counting the night after the election.

Anonymous ID: 40b41a Nov. 14, 2018, 9:38 a.m. No.3900719   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Leader of France’s ‘angry police’ found dead amid troubling pattern of officer suicides


A policewoman who led a group that raised awareness about violence against French officers has been found dead, amid a wave of suicides in the country’s law enforcement community.


Maggy Biskupski, 36, was discovered dead in her home outside Paris, having apparently shot herself with her service weapon. She was the founder and leader of France’s Angry Police Movement, or MPC, which she created after two officers were badly injured by a Molotov cocktail attack in 2016. The incident sparked demonstrations by France’s police force, with protesters denouncing the rise of anti-police sentiment and demanding more resources to improve public safety.


The outspoken officer had been under investigation for speaking to the media about attacks against the police without permission from her superiors.


Her death marks 30 police suicides in France since January, according to AFP. But other outlets have reported higher tallies. The recent suicide of Antoine Boutonnet, France's former police chief in charge of fighting hooliganism, put this year’s tally at 45, not including 16 suicides by members of the country’s military police, The Local France claims.


Officials and party leaders from across France’s political spectrum mourned Biskupski’s passing, with some using the tragedy to draw attention to the plight of the country’s police.


Interior Minister Christophe Castaner expressed “profound sadness” over the death of a woman who was “committed to a cause, that of defending the police, their honor, and their resources.”


Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Rally Party, said Biskupski’s death was a “terrible symbol of the police suffering she so tirelessly denounced.”


Le suicide de #MaggyBiskupski, présidente de l’association « Mobilisation des Policiers en Colère », est le terrible symbole de la souffrance des policiers qu’elle dénonçait inlassablement. Cette souffrance a eu raison d’elle, et c’est un grand choc pour nous tous.

— Marine Le Pen (@MLP_officiel) November 13, 2018


In the past few years, French police have been the target of a number of high-profile attacks and murders. In June 2016, a police officer and his wife were stabbed to death in Magnanville. A year later, a police officer was shot dead and two other officers were wounded in an attack in Paris.

Anonymous ID: 40b41a Nov. 14, 2018, 9:40 a.m. No.3900745   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0790 >>0847

Georgia state senator, 14 others arrested at Georgia Capitol


ATLANTA - A protest under the Gold Dome Tuesday led to the arrest of a Georgia state senator.


Georgia state Sen. Nikema Williams issued the following release regarding her arrest Tuesday afternoon during a protest at the State Capitol:


“I showed up at the Capitol today for a special session to take care of the citizens of Georgia. I saw I had constituents protesting for their voices to be heard. There are countless Georgians who cast their ballots and still don’t feel like their voices are heard. I joined them down on the floor, and I was singled out as a black female senator standing in the rotunda with constituents.


I’m incredibly proud and will continue to stand with the citizens of Georgia to demand that their votes be counted.”


Video provided to FOX 5 News by CAIR Georgia shows Capitol Police and Georgia State Troopers trying to break up the crowd in the rotunda of the Georgia Capitol. Some of the people in the crowd were holding signs which read “count every vote.”


The Georgia House Democratic Caucus stated Georgia state Sen. Nikema Williams was among 15 people arrested during “a peaceful rally to count every vote in the recent election” at the State Capitol.


The caucus stated Sen. Williams was taken into custody around 2 p.m. and booked into the Fulton County Jail.


The caucus released the following statement:


"It is beyond troubling that an elected member of the General Assembly has been arrested for peacefully standing in support of citizens exercising their First Amendment rights. Even more troubling that it is in conjunction with citizen speech about counting every vote."


The Georgia State Patrol told FOX 5 News 15 protesters were taken into custody by the Capitol Police for “unlawful to disrupt the orderly conduct of official business.”


"Senator Williams was at the Capitol serving in her official capacity as a state senator when she was arrested," Democratic Leader Bob Trammell was quoted as saying in a press release sent to FOX 5 News. "It is beyond troubling that an elected member of the General Assembly has been arrested for peacefully standing in support of citizens exercising their First Amendment rights. Even more troubling that it is in conjunction with citizen speech about counting every vote."


Tamika Middleton, local organizer for the National Domestic Workers Alliance released the following statement Tuesday afternoon:


“Senator Nikema Williams was arrested in the Georgia State Capitol for literally doing her job as an elected official. We are disgusted by the aggressive intimidation tactics by police – the latest effort at voter suppression to silence the voices of Black people. This is 2018 and we will not allow Jim Crow South to rear its ugly head again in Georgia. We demand the immediate release of Senator Williams and all of the peaceful protestors who were arrested.”


Jail records indicate Williams and the others who were arrested were all released from custody as of late Tuesday evening.


Stacey Abram’s campaign manager Lauren Groh-Wargo sent FOX 5 News the following statement:

Anonymous ID: 40b41a Nov. 14, 2018, 9:42 a.m. No.3900780   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why Democrats Would Dare To Steal Elections in Plain Sight


The brazenness of the theft is astounding. Democrat election officials in Arizona and Florida, not finding the will of the people to their liking, are manufacturing a will of the people of their own. In Florida, they’re miraculously finding ballots – overwhelmingly votes for Democrats, of course – that were somehow inexplicably overlooked on election day. In Arizona, the Republican Party has accused Maricopa County Recorder Adrian Fontes of “premeditated destruction of evidence” leading to “voting irregularities.”


The Democrats are determined to overturn the Republicans’ gain last Tuesday of two Senate seats, and are in the process of stealing those seats in plain sight.


The theft of elections, even defying court orders to stop while the whole world is watching, is a new low in American politics, and testifies to the Left’s overriding lust for power. The Democrats have never recovered their equilibrium after losing to Donald Trump in 2016, and now appear to be willing to stop at nothing – absolutely nothing – to neutralize Trump and regain their hegemony.


But there is more to this open theft than just that. The shamelessness and unapologetic audacity of this election fraud is no accident. The Democrats in Arizona and Florida and their allies in the establishment media piously intone that “all votes must be counted” as this fraud unfolds before our eyes, but they’re neither stupid nor naïve. It is much more likely that their very brazenness is not a bug, but a feature.


The Left is doing this out in the open to send a message:


There is nothing you can do. We will win. If we lose, we will cheat. We will lie. We will steal. And there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that you can do about it.


If the Democrats pull this off, they will have shown conservatives – and the world – that nothing could stop them. The governor of Florida couldn’t stop them. The courts couldn’t stop them. President Trump himself, who has been commenting repeatedly on Twitter about the theft, couldn’t stop them.