Anonymous ID: 4101ad Nov. 14, 2018, 9:11 a.m. No.3900374   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Free speech on campus: War on Christianity or equal-opportunity ideological battleground?


A pair of recent incidents on US campuses has again highlighted the issue of free speech. Is there really a "war on Christianity" happening on American campuses?


In September, Polly Olsen sued Northeast Wisconsin Technical College, claiming staff had violated her free speech rights when they stopped her from handing out religiously-themed Valentines to her fellow students. An observer had complained of "suspicious activity" and Olsen was escorted to the campus security office and told her cards - which contained Christian messages like "Jesus Loves You" - might be considered "offensive," and that she was "soliciting" by distributing them outside the campus' designated "free speech zone."


Legal and media analyst Lionel saw Olsen's case as part and parcel of that storied conservative talking point, the War On Christianity. "If this were any other religion any other situation nobody would have any problem with this."


"In this country, there are two sets of standards - Christians are over here, and everyone else is over here."


Award-winning US investigative reporter Dave Lindorff tentatively agreed the college overstepped their boundaries, but challenged the religious-discrimination angle, claiming religions are treated equally on campus "as long as you're not trying to jam it in somebody's face." He also claimed to have experienced discrimination for his political views and pointed to two recent studies showing two out of three cancelled speakers on college campuses are leftists - as are two out of three professors dismissed for ideological reasons.


Olsen's lawsuit, filed by the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty, also points out that "free speech zones" on college campuses have been declared unconstitutional by the courts.


Meanwhile, at the University of California at Berkeley, in the cradle of the student free speech movement, Isabelle Chow has been asked to resign from the student senate after abstaining from a vote against the Trump administration's proposed changes to Title IX, which will define sex as a person's biological sex at birth. She released a statement before the vote, hoping to avoid the confusion and outrage that followed by explaining her ethical conflict: while she opposes discrimination in all forms, "I cannot vote for this bill without compromising my values."


Chow ran on a platform of representing Berkeley's Christian community, and she did not expect such a backlash given her openness about her views. Berkeley's student newspaper refused to publish an op-ed she wrote, claiming it used "homophobic and transphobic" rhetoric.


Lionel immediately took Chow's side - "She doesn't countenance the idea that - 'Gender, I can just make up my mind! Today I'm Swedish, and I'm a zebra!' Now they want her to resign because she dared to follow through with a campaign promise."


Lindorff, however, defended the students calling for her resignation, pointing out that the students couldn't actually fire Chow, and their voicing of their discontent also counted as free speech. "She doesn't have to resign. More power to her if she doesn't!"

Anonymous ID: 4101ad Nov. 14, 2018, 9:15 a.m. No.3900419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0560 >>0790 >>0847

Pilot dead after yet another T-38 supersonic jet crashes at base in Texas


A US Air Force pilot was killed as a T-38 Talon supersonic training plane crashed at Laughlin Air Force Base in Texas on Tuesday night, making it the fifth accident involving the same aircraft model in the last 12 months.


The two-seat jet crashed around 7:40pm local time, the base reported. One pilot was killed, while another was hospitalized. The military didn't provide details of the circumstances of the crash. An official probe has been launched.


According to the aviation blog The Warzone, this is the fifth time a military T-38 has crashed in the last 12 months.


In September, a T-38 Talon crashed during takeoff at Sheppard Air Force Base, also in Texas, while another jet of the same model crashed outside Columbus Air Force Base in Mississippi. Pilots successfully ejected in both instances.


Two T-38s came down last year. One jet crashed on a field in Oklahoma, and both pilots ejected. Another incident happened at Laughlin Air Force Base, leaving one pilot dead and one injured.


T-38s are used for training in both the air force and NASA.

Anonymous ID: 4101ad Nov. 14, 2018, 9:20 a.m. No.3900471   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Britain and France conspired to start World War I


We are now before the 100th anniversary of World War I, the war that was supposed to end all wars. While honoring the 16 million who died in this conflict, we should also condemn the memory of the politicians, officials and incompetent generals who created this horrendous blood bath.


The continuation of this conflict, World War II, killed more people and brought more destruction on civilians in firebombed cities but, at least for me, World War I holds a special horror and poignancy. This war was not only an endless nightmare for the soldiers in their pestilential trenches, it also violently ended the previous 100 years of glorious European civilization, one of mankind's most noble achievements.


Professor Christopher Clark in his brilliant book, 'The Sleepwalkers' shows how officials and politicians in Britain and France conspired to transform Serbia's murder of Austro-Hungary's Crown Prince into a continent-wide conflict. France burned for revenge for its defeat in the 1870 Franco-Prussian War and loss of Alsace-Lorraine. Britain feared German commercial and naval competition. At the time, the British Empire controlled one quarter of the world's surface. Italy longed to conquer Austria-Hungary's South Tyrol. Turkey feared Russia's desire for the Straits. Austria-Hungary feared Russian expansion.


Britain kept stirring the pot, determined to defeat commercial and colonial rival, Germany. The rush to war became a gigantic clockwork that no one could stop. All sides believed a war would be short and decisive. Crowds of fools chanted 'On to Berlin' or 'On to Paris.'


Few at the time understood the impending horrors of modern war or the geopolitical demons one would release. The 1904 Russo-Japanese War offered a sharp foretaste of the 1914 conflict, but Europe's grandees paid scant attention.


Even fewer grasped how the collapse of the antiquated Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian Empires would send Europe and the Mideast into dangerous turmoil that persists to our day. Or how a little-known revolutionary named Lenin would shatter Imperial Russia and turn it into the world's most murderous state.

Anonymous ID: 4101ad Nov. 14, 2018, 9:36 a.m. No.3900696   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CIA Whistleblower Says He Was Targeted By Brennan, Mueller, Strzok


former CIA officer who revealed the agency’s waterboarding program to the media claims that he was targeted for retribution by some of the same government officials investigating President Donald Trump.

John Kiriakou tells The Daily Caller News Foundation what roles John Brennan, Robert Mueller, and Peter Strzok played in an investigation that he claims was intended to set him up with an espionage charge.

Kiriakou claims he was targeted in a sting operation directed by Strzok.


When the FBI asked John Kiriakou to meet at the Washington field office in January 2012, the former CIA officer says he gladly agreed to the request.


“Anything for the FBI,” Kiriakou told the FBI agent who contacted him.


Months earlier, as a senior investigator on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Kiriakou had helped the FBI investigate a Japanese diplomat who had approached him offering a bribe.


Or so he thought.


Instead, Kiriakou says the FBI was running a sting operation against him for what he claims is payback for revealing secrets about the CIA’s waterboarding program.


The government officials behind that investigation have resurfaced in the probe of the Trump campaign, which officially began as an FBI matter on July 31, 2016 and is now overseen by the special counsel’s office.


As the Obama White House’s number 2 official on the National Security Council at the time, John Brennan ordered the Justice Department to charge Kiriakou with espionage, Kiriakou says. As FBI director, Robert Mueller formed a 12-person task force to investigate the 15-year CIA veteran. And as a top counterintelligence official at the FBI’s Washington office, Peter Strzok oversaw the investigation and arrested Kiriakou on Jan. 15, 2012.

Anonymous ID: 4101ad Nov. 14, 2018, 9:40 a.m. No.3900746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0783

BOOM! Federal Prosecutors Discover Altered Election Documents in Broward County Tied to Florida Democrats


Federal prosecutors in Florida are reviewing date changes on forms used to fix vote-by-mail ballots.


Feds discovered the dates were altered by the Florida Democrat party in four different counties, including Broward.


“Cure affidavits” are due by 5 PM the day before the election, however prosecutors have discovered these altered documents show the ballots could be turned in on Thursday, one day after the election.

Anonymous ID: 4101ad Nov. 14, 2018, 9:47 a.m. No.3900843   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Zuckerberg Under Fire: World Leaders Demand Answers From Facebook On Fake News


The whole world is pursuing answers from Mark Zuckerberg over fake news, censorship and protection of user’s personal information. So far, Zuckerberg has thumbed his nose at them, but there will come a day of reckoning. Generally speaking, Technocrats have no use for politicians. ⁃ TN Editor


Parliamentarians from Australia, Ireland and Argentina joined the call after Facebook refused a request from senior MPs in the UK and Canada.


Damian Collins, chairman of the House of Commons’ Digital, Culture, Media and Sport committee, accused Facebook of dodging its responsibilities.


The company said Mr Zuckerberg could not accept the invitation from Mr Collins and his Canadian counterpart to appear before an “international grand committee” in London on November 27.


Facebook has been embroiled in scandals about systems that let outside organisations harvest users’ personal data for their own purposes, including allegedly to target voters in the 2016 US poll that elected Donald Trump.


On Tuesday, UK data protection chief Elizabeth Denham, the Information Commissioner, told Mr Collins’ committee that Facebook had shown users a “disturbing level of disrespect”.


She also found evidence that data on the platform was accessed by addresses linked to previous cyber attacks and Russian locations.