Anonymous ID: 5518da Nov. 14, 2018, 9:27 a.m. No.3900557   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What is a circular argument?


Q 's first post on CBTS told us HRC was going to be arrested the following Monday. And we all know the various yarns that anons spun to legitimize that post (secretly arrested with a boot tracker, move the year forward to 2018, necessary disinformation, yada yada).


Remember all the vague, ambiguous crap like "Watch the water" and "The Bridge" that had all the anons running around like we were holding some coded treasure map? What ever really came of that? Remind me what the treasure was and how it was used to dismember the DS.


When Q stopped posting for 3 weeks, it was because of the Hatch Act. We lost the House ultimately, and it looks like they're stealing more seats and will eventually wrest the Senate away, too, before we're done. But don't worry, Q "has everything" and will slap down a bunch of those 61K sealed indictments anytime now. And failing that, the Senate will refuse to seat those fraudulently obtained seats, right?


And now we've got our binoculars trained on yet another distant hill in January when the new Congress is seated. Then things will REALLY start cooking with gas.


Well, reconcile (without using the ever-popular, threadbare "disinformation" defense) these Q posts:


Yes, midterms are safe.

Watch CA. 19Apr2018


This time we have Gov't control. 10Nov2018


(but do we?)

Logical thinking required.

A) How can arrests occur prior to removing the corruption

from the DOJ & FBI? 9Nov2018


And after well over a year, Q is still trotting out Canada like "Dig deeper ", and


Do you believe in coincidences?

Expand your thinking.

The More You Know… 10Nov2018


Yeah, yeah, I know that all you anons shrieking "Shill! Clown! Concernfag!" are covering your ears with your hands and using that mantra to drown out your rising fears that there IS NO CAVALRY COMING.


But Q has said one true thing, and that is that we, not "he" are the saviors of the world. We are going to have to start getting active in the cities with stealth campaigns. Mail redpills to your neighbors anonymously. Five postage stamps a week is not much. Keep it up steadily. Memes stapled to telephone poles in areas frequented by libs (Starbucks, et al), flyers in parking lots, left on tables at libraries, student unions, laundromats. We've been kicked off of digital media, but we still have paper.