Anonymous ID: e9f003 Nov. 14, 2018, 9:19 a.m. No.3900466   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0496 >>0513 >>0539 >>0558 >>0613 >>0646 >>0708 >>0770 >>0864 >>0911 >>0934

remember see something say something

bin laden bin laden 911 911 bin laden

need naked body scanners at the airport !!!

Feel you up at the airport !!!

meanwhile bin laden family go past security bring anything on the plane


Now Think Open borders !!!

Now Think Open borders !!!

Now Think Open borders !!!


50 million crossed the border during the bin laden era !!!

Anonymous ID: e9f003 Nov. 14, 2018, 9:25 a.m. No.3900539   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


bin laden bin laden

miss Texas that tampon could be a weapon of mass destruction !!!


We may have to have the mil cover texas airspace


meanwhile at the border 50 million cross it during the bin laden era


The war on Terrorists ? Americans the terrorists ?

Anonymous ID: e9f003 Nov. 14, 2018, 9:31 a.m. No.3900613   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


bin laden bin laden โ€“ TSA

you need to go into the cancer machine

bin laden is out there


meanwhile at the open border sponsored by dems koch brothers and the chertoff group


50 million cross the open border


Mil called in during to take over the airspace of Texas because the lady had a tampon ?

Miss Texas harassed at the airport


Patriots remember !!!

Think logically !!!

Country taken over !!!

Anonymous ID: e9f003 Nov. 14, 2018, 9:37 a.m. No.3900708   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


bin laden bin laden

Sir I need to fell you up here at the airport


This is the bin laden era.

What about the illegal aliens crossing the border ?


They are voters !!!!


bin laden

911 has changed everything


Did 911 secure the border ?

Open Borders ?

TSA created - Bushs army 1T slush fund

Never protected the border ?


Are dems working with the terrorists ?


bin laden bin laden

see something say something


Texas airspace will be closed for Miss Texas

tampon ?


What about sealing the border ?

Anonymous ID: e9f003 Nov. 14, 2018, 9:48 a.m. No.3900864   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


bin laden bin laden

remember all the CNN tv at the Airport

Airport security

bin laden bin laden


MSM cared about the war on terror


MSM acting in concert with the take over of America


Never mentioning open border !!!!


bin laden bin laden

Anonymous ID: e9f003 Nov. 14, 2018, 9:51 a.m. No.3900911   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


why did cnn talk about terror 24/7

bin laden at the airports

and not about the open borders ?


bin laden and CNN and MSM


Did MSM reporters keep America safe ?

Did MSM bring security to the border ?


After the cavity search at the airport we need to see ID Grandma !!! you could be bin laden


Grandma goes to vote shows ID

no id required grandma


bin laden bin laden