Anonymous ID: 67ddd7 Nov. 14, 2018, 10:01 a.m. No.3901016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1203

FOIA lawsuit filed in Federal Court which exposes the “masters” of the #DEEPSTATE within the U.S. Department of Interior


Department Of Interior FOIA Lawsuit


First 5 pages of 12 plus full exhibits in link.

Anonymous ID: 67ddd7 Nov. 14, 2018, 10:04 a.m. No.3901036   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker Delivers Remarks to State and Local Law Enforcement on Efforts to Combat Violent Crime and the Opioid Crisis

Anonymous ID: 67ddd7 Nov. 14, 2018, 10:06 a.m. No.3901054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1089 >>1156 >>1185 >>1393

Florida Governor Rick Scott Recuses Himself From Certifying Election Results


Florida Governor Rick Scott (R) who is currently embattled in a recount against Democrat incumbent Bill Nelson for the US Senate seat, announced Wednesday that he recused himself from certifying the election results.


Rick Scott recused himself from certifying the election results in 2014 and says his recusal is “nothing new.”


Gov. Scott then took a swipe at his opponent Bill Nelson, calling him “confused” and added he “doesn’t know how Florida works.”


RICK SCOTT: I recused myself from certifying results on the Elections Canvassing Commission in 2014, and I will do so again this year. This is nothing new. Bill Nelson is confused and doesn’t even know how Florida works- I have no role in supervising/ overseeing the ongoing recount process.


Democrat Bill Nelson previously called on Governor Rick Scott, to recuse himself from the recount process.


Bill Nelson accused Governor Rick Scott of ‘undermining the votes of Floridians,’ but didn’t say a word about Broward County elections supervisor Brenda Snipes who is blatantly defying a judge’s orders and refusing to count votes in accordance with the law.


Governor Rick Scott put up a fight and filed three lawsuits as he ramped us his legal battle against the Democrat lawyers trying to steal the election.


On Sunday, Florida Governor Rick Scott (R) filed two emergency motions in Broward County and Palm Beach County as he ramped up his legal fight going into the recount.


Governor Scott also took legal action to bar the Broward County canvassing board from counting ballots produced after the Saturday noon deadline previously ordered by a judge.


When was the last time a Democrat recused themselves?

Anonymous ID: 67ddd7 Nov. 14, 2018, 10:09 a.m. No.3901088   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How fitting!


Caravan 'breakaway group' of several hundred migrants arrives at US border, officials say


Google is searching Berlin for some trendy real estate to call home – a place that reflects the company’s unofficial, recently scrapped motto, “Don’t Be Evil.”


The tech giant had originally planned to open its Google Campus startup hub in Berlin’s uber hipster district of Kreuzberg, but disaster soon struck.


Party-pooping locals organised against the move, citing the threat of rising rents and a general distaste for data-gobbling Silicon Valley behemoths.


Luckily, the Berlin district of Lichtenberg has a long, proud tradition of hosting data lovers – district officials have generously offered Google the former headquarters of the East German Stasi.


The plan has been endorsed by Danny Freymark, who sits in Berlin’s state parliament and is a member of Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU).


According to Freymark, Google would be an ideal investor to bring “democracy” to the old secret police stomping grounds.


The plan has reportedly also received support from other local officials, with one correctly noting that the area was perfect for Google because there is no risk of “gentrification.”


District Mayor Michael Grunst is believed to be already in talks with Google about the company putting down roots in Lichtenberg – although it’s not clear if he’s brought up the plan to “reinvent” the old Stasi HQ.


The Staatssicherheit, or Stasi, was the intelligence, espionage and counterintelligence service of the German Democratic Republic (GDR). The organisation was infamous for its obsessive and meticulous surveillance of East Germans.


Google has not yet commented on the proposal, according to German media reports.

Anonymous ID: 67ddd7 Nov. 14, 2018, 10:10 a.m. No.3901107   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1188

Economic migrants entering Europe love open borders and Angela Merkel: “We love you Angela!”

A group of male migrants that was interviewed in German and English say they want to come to western Europe and Germany.


The men have gathered in Bosnia and want to enter the EU by crossing Croatia’s border to make their way to western Europe.


One migrant from Bangladesh says he paid 9,000 euros to come to Europe. The men love Angela Merkel and want to bring their families as well.


“I want to be with my family.” —And you want to bring them here to Europe? — “That’s right. I want to live in Europe. Once I am there, I will try to bring my family here,” a man says.


“We want the borders open! Good luck, Angela Merkel! We love you, Angela! We love you all! —Thank you. Good-bye,” the migrants say.

Anonymous ID: 67ddd7 Nov. 14, 2018, 10:14 a.m. No.3901168   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1191 >>1193 >>1207

Tax games: Chicago PlayStation users furious at new city fee


PlayStation 4 users in the Windy City now have to fork out a nine-percent tax for the privilege of gaming in their own homes, as Sony becomes the latest video gaming company to enforce the city’s much-loathed Amusement Tax.


Gamers firing up their consoles on Wednesday were greeted with a message from Sony informing them that the tax will now be applied to all PlayStation subscription services, like PlayStation Now, PlayStation Plus, and PlayStation Music. Regular game purchases from the PlayStation store are untouched by the tax.


Chicagoans already pay a raft of city, county, and state taxes – including levies on bottled water and cell phones, as well as the highest sales taxes of any major US city. Gamers and pundits were quick to vent their frustrations at the latest tax on Twitter.

Anonymous ID: 67ddd7 Nov. 14, 2018, 10:16 a.m. No.3901197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1252 >>1254 >>1366 >>1495 >>1590

REPORT: President Trump Will Answer Mueller Questionnaire Sometime This Week


Special Counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly on his last round of subpoenas and interrogatories and, this week, according to two major news networks, President Donald Trump will be submitting answers to a Mueller-authored questionnaire probing into his knowledge of "alleged Russian meddling" during the 2016 election.


ABC News reports that the White House has quietly complied with a request on the part of Mueller's team to answer a series of written questions. They added that the questionnaire arrived sometime earlier this month, and the President has been "huddled" with his legal team, including former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, to formulate answers.


"The questions, as ABC News has previously reported, center on alleged Russian meddling during the 2016 election cycle, which Mueller is tasked with investigating. The nearly year and a half long probe by the special counsel stems from allegations of Russia coordinating with members of the Trump presidential campaign," ABC News reports.


One thing Trump will not be answering questions about: firing FBI director James Comey. When rumors began swirling that Mueller's team was seeking answers from the president, The New York Times reported that investigators were interested in hearing from Trump about why and how he fired Comey as part of a probe into whether the president had obstructed justice with his personnel-related decisions.


NBC reports that Mueller's questions don't include anything on James Comey. So while it's not clear if Trump's lawyers struck a deal with Mueller to avoid an in-person interview, or if the interrogatories are the first step in a full investigation of the president, it looks as though Trump's lawyers negotiated the questionnaire to some extent, detailing the parameters under which the president would respond to questions — and which questions he'd respond to.


As others have already pointed out, Mueller also wanted Trump to be among the last witnesses he interviewed, which means his probe may be coming to an end.


Before the midterm elections, Mueller himself suggested Congress could see the results of his investigation in November, and the day Jeff Sessions stepped down from his post as Attorney General, anonymous sources also reported that Mueller's team was busy compiling their final report. Although some Members of Congress have expressed concern that Trump could try to pressure interim Attorney General Matt Whitaker to interfere in the Justice Department probe, even Trump allies like Sen. Lindsey Graham say they'll protect Mueller until the investigation is completed.


So bad news for Trump's legal team, which might be pulling a few all-nighters this week, but good news for the Trump Administration, which may soon be out from under the year-long Mueller investigation for good — just in time to fall prey to subpoenas, requests, and investigations from House Democrats.


Earlier this week, Axios compiled a list of at least 85 separate investigations that House Democrats plan to undertake as soon as they assume control of the House in January, from Trump's tax returns and foreign financial entanglements, to his alleged "hush" payments to Stormy Daniels, to, of course, his firing of FBI director James Comey.

Anonymous ID: 67ddd7 Nov. 14, 2018, 10:19 a.m. No.3901226   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1268 >>1276 >>1296 >>1421

Vigilante group recruits 550 people to counter Birmingham’s rise in violent crime


In an attempt to counter the sharp rise in violent crime in Birmingham, 550 people have joined a vigilante patrol in the UK’s second largest city, having lost trust in the police force.


The Facebook group, ‘We Stand Determined’, was formed by three local people after discovering a friend of theirs had been viciously attacked in his home by hammer-wielding intruders.


Organisers Wayne, Tracy and Michael, who have not revealed their full names, are urging all their recent recruits and the wider community to report any dangers and threats they see, day or night, the Metro reports.


The group run twice-weekly patrols across the city of Birmingham, and insist, despite the vigilante label, they use non-violent tactics, claiming they want to work in partnership with local police and not against them.


Wayne, 47, who is a college lecturer, argues that crime is getting out of hand in his area, having seen a recent spike in crime in Birmingham and the affluent West Midlands town of Solihull.


He said: “There has been a recent spate of crime in Birmingham recently and Solihull in particular has fallen victim to an increase of just under 1,500 more cases so far this year.


“We’re vigilantes, but we’re vigilantes with a twist, working within the law and not against it.”


On Wednesday, West Midlands Police released a harrowing video of a gang of seven men kicking, punching and hacking a man on the floor with a machete.

Anonymous ID: 67ddd7 Nov. 14, 2018, 10:24 a.m. No.3901279   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1367 >>1392

The Ukrainian President Signs a Pact With Constantinople – Against the Ukrainian Church


Increasingly tragic and violent events are taking their toll on the plight of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Ukraine . After several fights over control of the church’s property, prohibitions and blacklists are starting to spread, affecting respected church figures coming from Russia to Ukraine. The latest news is that the head of the Moscow Theological Academy, Archbishop Amvrosyi Yermakov, was deported from Ukraine back to Russia. Amvrosyi’s name popped up on the black list of Russian citizens who are not deemed “eligible to visit” Ukraine. Obviously, this happened right before his plane landed in Zhulyany, Kiev’s international airport. After a brief arrest, Amvrosyi was put on a plane and sent back to Moscow. This is not the first such humiliation of the Orthodox Church and its priests that has taken place since the new pro-Western regime came to power in Kiev in 2014. Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church has been declared persona non grata throughout Ukraine since 2014. That decision was made by humiliatingly low-level officials. A department within the Ukrainian ministry of culture published a ruling stating that Kirill’s visit to Ukraine’s capital of Kiev “would not be desirable.”


Since the ancestors of modern Russians, Belarusians, and Ukrainians were first baptized in 988 in Kiev, the Patriarchs of the Russian Church have never had problems visiting Kiev, the birthplace of their church. Not even under the Bolsheviks did such prohibitions exist. So, for Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church to be denied permission to visit Kiev can only be compared to a possible prohibition against the pope visiting Rome. Since 2014, there have also been several criminal cases filed against the priests of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC MP) because they have called the hostilities in eastern Ukraine a “civil war” and have discouraged the faithful from supporting that war. This has been interpreted by the Ukrainian state authorities as a call for soldiers to desert the army.


Why Poroshenko’s meeting with Bartholomew is ominous


Despite the fact that the UOC MP has become used to all sorts of trouble since 2014, things have been looking even worse for the canonical church lately, as 2018 draws to a close. In early November 2018, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko broke the wall of separation between church and state in the most overt manner possible — he signed “an agreement on cooperation and joint action” between Ukraine and the so called Constantinople Patriarchate, the oldest institution of Orthodox Christianity, which is now based in Turkish Istanbul.


Rostislav Pavlenko, an aide to Poroshenko, wrote on his Facebook page that the agreement (not yet published) is premised on the creation of a new “autocephalous” Orthodox Church of Ukraine — a development that the official, existing Orthodox Churches in Russia and Ukraine view with foreboding as a “schism” that they have done all they can to prevent. Why? Because Poroshenko’s regime, which came to power via a violent coup in Kiev in 2014 on a wave of public anti-Russian sentiment, may try to force the canonical Orthodox Church of Ukraine to merge with other, non-canonical institutions and to surrender to them church buildings, including the famous monasteries in Kiev and Pochai, as well as other property.



Anonymous ID: 67ddd7 Nov. 14, 2018, 10:25 a.m. No.3901288   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Texas Board of Education reverses decision to remove Hillary Clinton from curriculum



The mostly Republican Texas Board of Education agreed in a preliminary vote Tuesday night to keep former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other historical figures in its social studies curriculum.


The agreement is a reversal of the board’s September vote to cut Clinton in its effort to streamline the state’s academic standards. The 15-member state board spent more than 10 hours of debating which figures would be kept or removed from the state’s standard curriculum, the Dallas Morning News reported.


Changes to the textbooks would not take place until it’s time for revisions but the decision would affect teaching requirements under state law.


A final vote on the entire curriculum will take place Friday.

Why the reversal?


Some board members, including Democrat Erica Beltran, said they received backlash after the board voted to remove Clinton from history lessons.


“I got a ton of calls and emails about the removal of Hillary Clinton,” Beltran said, according to the Morning News. “She was the first female presidential nominee from a major U.S. political party. So regardless of our party affiliations, I think she is an important figure to keep.”


Others said they agreed that Clinton is significant even if they don’t agree with her politics.


“I have to give credit where credit is due. She is a significant political leader,” Republican Marty Rowley said.


In a 12-2 vote, the board agreed to keep Clinton in the state’s required learning.


Republicans Pat Hardy of Fort Worth and Geraldine “Tincy” Miller of Dallas voted against keeping Clinton.


Donna Bahorich of Houston, also a Republican, abstained from voting on Clinton.

What else?


The board also voted to reverse its earlier decision to remove Helen Keller and Women Airforce Service Pilots, or WASP, the first American women to fly military aircraft, according to multiple reports.


It did agree to cut Francis Scott Key, who wrote the “Star-Spangled Banner,” from first-grade lessons.


Also, Phillis Wheatley, the first published African-American female poet, was cut from the third-grade curriculum.

Anonymous ID: 67ddd7 Nov. 14, 2018, 10:27 a.m. No.3901319   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pence: "All-Out Cold War" Coming If China Doesn't Change Course; "We Won't Back Down"


The Washington Post's Josh Rogin has revealed stunning comments issued by Vice President Mike Pence during a conversation between the two aboard Air Force Two as the VP traveled for an official trip to Asia this week, where he landed in Singapore for regional summits highlighting Indo-Pacific security, trade and investment.


Pence reportedly said the White House is prepared to undertake take dramatic policy changes regarding China if Beijing does not capitulate to its demands as the trade war continues. In addition to the issue of tariffs, pressing security issues include the US demanding Chinese cessation of what's reported to be widespread intellectual property theft and refusal to recognized America freedom of navigation through and above the South China Sea.


According to Rogin, Pence went so far as to speak of "an all-out Cold War" during the interview, promising that:


If China wants to avoid an all-out cold war with the United States and its partners, it must fundamentally change its behavior, according to Vice President Pence. The United States, he assured me, won’t back down.


Hmmm i don't trust Pence

Anonymous ID: 67ddd7 Nov. 14, 2018, 10:31 a.m. No.3901351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1362 >>1365 >>1366 >>1495 >>1590

Acting AG Whitaker: 'Special Counsel is Required' To Investigate Clinton Foundation


Matthew Whitaker, the acting attorney general of the United States and a former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Iowa, said in a 2016 interview that there is enough evidence "in the public domain" to warrant the appointment of a "special prosecutor" to investigate the Clinton Foundation. He added that the Foundation was "clearly a pay-to-play situation" where if you gave money to the Foundation, you got "preferential treatment" at the State Department, which was headed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from 2009 to 2013.


Hillary Clinton's emailing of classified documents through her private computer server was a "serious" problem, but the "real ballgame" is "where Clinton Foundation donors were given preferential treatment," said Whitaker in an Aug. 25, 2016 interview with Breitbart News Daily.


"It’s very interesting to watch the Clinton camp try to explain away these meetings," said Whitaker. "Fifty percent of the meetings she took with people that were not essentially employees or representatives of countries or the like, just sort of individuals that wanted to meet with the Secretary of State, 50 percent of those – as the AP has reported, more than 50 percent – were Clinton Foundation donors."


“It is not possible for them to explain away that Clinton Foundation donors were given preferential treatment when it came to seeing the Secretary of State," he said.


Whitaker further said that the demise of the FBI's investigation into Clinton's illicit use of a private email server is "one of the reasons that a special counsel is required."