Anonymous ID: b9665c Nov. 14, 2018, 10:09 a.m. No.3901084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1157

>>3899132 lb

>>3899193 lb


3 thoughts:


#1: 60% more climate warming due to math errors? MAJOR PEER REVIEW FAIL!!!


How many of you would still have a job if you had made such a basic error in something so serious?


Watts Up With That (WUWT) is to the climate field as QResearch is to politics. Their contributors and readers (usually climate change skeptics) are every bit as committed to discerning the truth as the non-shill Anons are.


From the Daily Caller story as commented on in Watts Up With That at this link:


•Scientists behind a headline-grabbing climate study admitted they “really muffed” their paper.

•Their study claimed to find 60 percent more warming in the oceans, but that was based on math errors.

•The errors were initially spotted by scientist Nic Lewis, who called them “serious (but surely inadvertent) errors.”


From the comments:


Nic Lewis is a retired London financial quant, translation math wiz. He has a special interest in climate sensitivity, and has published several formal papers on it together with Judith Curry. He began IIRC with a critique of the AR4 WH1 sensitivity chapter. I discuss it in the penultimate climate chapter in The Arts of Truth. I know from personal face to face interactions that MIT’s Prof. Lindzen agreed with Nic’s AR4 analysis, because he graciously critiqued the entire chapter (and parts of the rest of the book as well).




#2: To any fans of WUWT here on QResearch - Anthony Watts lives in Chico, CA and he and his house seem to be unburnt by the Camp Fire, although some of his employees lost their houses. This link has lots of comments on the California fire management situation. See pics and link below for more info:




#3: Final thought: Why don't the flag-making companies fireproof their US flags? It's done for children's sleepwear and it seems like a common sense requirement for flags, too. If not already, fireproofing ought to be mandated in milspecs and fedspecs for flags that the US Government purchases.