Anonymous ID: cff46a Nov. 14, 2018, 9:55 a.m. No.3900950   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0993 >>1001 >>1019 >>1091 >>1124 >>1133 >>1180 >>1252 >>1266 >>1366 >>1495 >>1590

Jesus Christ the suspense is killing me

>Here are just a few of the OBVIOUS regarding the US. Does not include WW.

There are 15,000 troops at the southern border that can't do anything except be a presence since their hands are tied with current laws and all they can do is setup concertina wire and help Border Patrol when asked.

There are EO's that pertain to Military Tribunals that do not start until Jan.

There are FISA&FISC docs and OIG Reports that have not been delasโ€™d and released.

There are EO's' that contain orders to create a report about elections w/Foreign Interference and the consequences if found.

There are obvious signs of voter fraud and successful attempts to steal elections.

There are clear signs of violent organized Antifa groups that are causing civil unrest and have not been declared a terrorist org.

There are states and sanctuary cities that harbor illegal aliens throughout the US.

There are MOS/C_A MSM assets controlling the news/reporting narrative to the American public.

The kicker

Almost 60,000 sealed indictments that have not been opened!

My Tzu tells me that when the HAMMER drops itโ€™s going to drop hard, fast and encompass ALL.