Anonymous ID: 64985c Nov. 14, 2018, 11:20 a.m. No.3901964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2157

I've decided to wait and watch. If I see something that is personally interesting, I'll dig on it and, if the results seem likely to introduce something useful, post it. Otherwise, it's gotten so I can't tell shill from shill anymore and by the time I have the obvious shills and bots filtered, there is next to nothing actually here.

I don't need tits. (Search engine "porn" for a complete collection)

I don't need music. I have a radio and about 150 CDs.

I don't need "Jews are individuals". I've screwed a Jewess … I know they come one at a time.

I don't need "muh Jews". One at a time is plenty, actually.

I don't need "don't respond to the shills" (just another slide, actually) and I don't need the 101 slides. This is the Q research board, not the lizard in the hollow earth god board.


I don't need ANY of this shit. If it isn't about Q / Trump and forwarding a conservative agenda, I just don't need it.

So, after having been here for something over a year with many 16-18 hour days, I'll still check in for a quick skim to look for dig-worthy shit, but I'm tired of wading through the juvenile delinquents and the 'agent provocateurs'.


I'm confident that some smart ass will call me a shill / slider / boomer / bot (yadda yadda). I'm also confident that I DGAF.


This isn't a "good-bye" post … it's a "get your shitty act together" post. It does not reflect on Q except that the neighborhood he lives in has gone to shit and maybe he should think about upgrading to a nicer place.

Then again, my back has been hurting like hell, it's too cold and rainy to try walking it off and the ibuprofen isn't working today. Wifeanon has been hovering as if a crappy back was fatal and she needs to know where the insurance papers are. So maybe I'll be back in a couple hours with the same old shit. If the ibuprofen ever kicks in.