Anonymous ID: 67f30c Nov. 14, 2018, 11 a.m. No.3901738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1749 >>1779 >>1978 >>2113 >>2249 >>2334

i thought "placeholder" was an interesting thing for Q to say so many times on PF. other anons posted caps of an article referring to Whitaker as a placeholder. this seems to make sense given that he is a Temp but i wasn't satisfied. still seemed like an odd word to use.


so i looked it up and found the definition to be rather interdasting. it's an element of a sentence (story) that is necessary for the proper development of the sentence (story) but itself holds no information. it can appear to be the subject but the


is something else entirely.


maybe Q is sneakily letting us know that Whitaker is a distraction/not the true subject

Anonymous ID: 67f30c Nov. 14, 2018, 11:43 a.m. No.3902248   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2274 >>2291 >>2300 >>2303 >>2332


i once had an interaction with a man that claimed to be Lucifer occupying the body of a man whose soul was so evil that his spirit went comatose. the ins and outs of the interaction and there implications are too vast to discuss here BUT, he knew things about me that NO ONE in the world knew. He quoted for me, verbatim, i conversation i had had with god (in my thoughts) earlier that day. no one was around me and i didn't even say any of it out loud. having this ability caused me to listen carefully to all he had to say.


He told me that Satan did not exist as an entity but did very much represent an idea.


he said that there were a great number of spirits that were working toward forwarding the idea of "satan" but that it should be recognized as a direction rather than an entity. That direction, he said, was AWAY from God. AWAY from all that is right, true, pure and loving.


i know i can't cause you to believe my story but i know that if you had had the encounter with me it would have greatly impacted you as well.


We all know that Q doesn't ask questions like that without cause. so…


does SATAN exist?

does the 'thought' of Satan exist?