Anonymous ID: 76ec83 Nov. 14, 2018, 10:58 a.m. No.3901722   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2022

Supervisors of Election perform a ministerial duty.


They follow statutes enacted by the Legislature. Everyone knows the rules prior to the contest (the election).


The rules can not be changed during the contest. Whether those rules are “fair” or not is immaterial – those rules were agreed to when persons became candidates for election.


Now Democrats who lost the contest are in court challenging statutes and seeking retroactive remedy. These persons need to be thrown out of court with prejudice and fined.


You knew the rules. You agreed to the rules. You don’t change the rules because you lost.


If you want to change the statutes, fine. Do so in the future.


If a judge intrudes on the Legislature’s unique authority to define statutes governing their administrators conduct of elections that judge should be removed from the bench. He is not a Legislator. His solitary “wisdom” is necessarily inferior to that of the many who comprise the Legislature.


The only question which can be considered is whether the administrator (SoE) followed statute. If they did not then they should be charged according to statute. If that “disenfranchises” some, that’s unfortunate but there is no remedy that does not involve guessing. Perhaps the penalty for SoE’s who violate law should be increased, perhaps to felony or in some cases capital offenses.


For example, Snipes’ butchery of the election is a direct assault on Florida’s government, Florida’s representation in the U.S. Senate, and each and every citizen of Florida.

Anonymous ID: 76ec83 Nov. 14, 2018, 11 a.m. No.3901736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1853 >>2003 >>2113 >>2249 >>2334

“President Donald Trump will win the lawsuit that CNN filed against him on Tuesday after the White House revoked Jim Acosta’s press pass, both because the Constitution does not allow a federal court to issue this kind of order to the White House and because the First Amendment does not protect what Acosta did…


This lawsuit hinges on a 1977 precedent from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, Sherrill v. Knight….


This is not about the ability of a reporter to cover the president. Acosta can do that from outside of the White House. Nor is it about banning a media outlet. CNN has reportedly approximately 50 employees with White House passes, including perhaps a half-dozen reporters or more.


This is, instead, Acosta’s demand to enter the house of the President of the United States to argue with him on national television and refusal to relinquish a government microphone when told to do so. It is also about CNN’s demand that as a corporation it has the right to send in one particular antagonist to confront the president to his face, when it has multiple reporters it could send in Acosta’s place.”,39

Anonymous ID: 76ec83 Nov. 14, 2018, 11:22 a.m. No.3901992   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2013 >>2017 >>2036 >>2039

Against all odds, President Trump has succeeded mightily.


– Regulation roll back.

– Tax cuts.

– Individual mandate gone.

– VA choice for care.

– Pharmacy costs in check.

– Right To Try medicine in the development pipeline.

– Exposed the anti U.S. trade deals levied on the U.S. by past Presidents of both parties.


– NAFTA dead.

– North Korea deal

– South Korean trade deal.

– SA string cut

– ISIS defeated

– EU, Japan and China trade deals will happen when those countries enjoy enough pain and decide to be fair with U.S.

– Worlds largest energy producer. With more coming online. Anwar in work.

– Pipelines opening and being built. (Yes XL in courts thanks to Ninth Circuit I think it is.)

– Manufacturing exploding. hussein said couldn’t happen.

– Best employment percent in U.S hsitory.

– Lowest employment in U.S. for many categories.

– Iran Trade Deal scrapped.

– Paris Climate Accord trashed.

– TPP trashed.

– Two conservative Supreme Court Justices. Probably a third in 2019.

– Significant number conservative Judges confirmed.

– Prison reform in work.

– Marijuana law reforms in work. (Personally don’y use marijuana or care to. But marijuana laws are stupid.)

– NATO contributing to NATO at better rates.

– Everything President Trump does is based on America First!

– etc etc etc


Is everything perfect? Obviously no. Congress and the States need to get busy and act in America’s interest also.

Anonymous ID: 76ec83 Nov. 14, 2018, 11:25 a.m. No.3902031   🗄️.is 🔗kun



We need to calm down, and not forget what he have done in just 2 years.


With so many powerfull cabalists against him WW, MSM, libs, social media…