Anonymous ID: 916ac0 Nov. 14, 2018, 11:28 a.m. No.3902061   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2070


I have read it,

Earlier tweets from 2015 are a Jill stein supporter solar biz guy. I do concur that this twat rn is a GREAT one to follow and not to discount the information just because of muh Rlarp….


aaaand I am not discounting the R thing, in fact I am all about it, but how could this be him… I really don't think so unless, the plan is so intricate (it is, though I don't know if in this way) that there was an account set up in 2009 and to throw the clowns off he posted as a Green party hippy type till the moment was ripe.


Or he is/was a Joe shmo who found the Q movement like we all did (we R Q!) , he changed his handle when R showed up and is posing as Fusca to throw off the scent like a good patriot and art of war knower.


Oor other possibilities, time travel and what nots……this plan is crazy good.