Anonymous ID: d0df53 Nov. 14, 2018, 11 a.m. No.3901735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2032 >>2272



Why is it impossible to find information on John R. Chapman NSA Chief FOIA???


Seriously. Do a search on any search engine. You won't find anything. Yet this is the SAME GUY who is denying FOIA legitimate FOIA requests that would blow this whole #SpyGate operation wide open. It would also expose what's been going on at Cambridge Analytica. I think Trump chose to take advantage of Cambridge for A REASON. (((THEY))) use CA. Obama admitted himself… How many profiles did Trump send over there? Something around 15k I believe, YET SOMEHOW 3 MILLION ended up on there? Who was really using it? And why is this John R Chapman guy denying everything about CA, everything about the Awans, everything about SpyGate, ALL UNDER THE GUIDE OF EXECUTIVE ORDER 13526!!!… EO 13526 is something that HUSSEIN signed into law. Of course he offered the "good bits" to the public, because it did declassify a lot of unimportant documents. And I mean a lot. So everyone thought: "Wow Obama is so great, he's providing all this info to the public" NO!! What it ended up doing is providing NSA the means to deny FOIA under the guise of "counteracting terrorism" (we all know terrorism is (((their))) favorite boogieman).


This is seriously concerning. Who the fuck is this guy??? When did he come into the NSA? What's his connection to Obama and any defense contractors that work with the NSA? Where was this guy born? Who does he know? What's his background??? Can we even trust this dude?


SO. MANY. QUESTIONS. Why are there no ANSWERS? Censorship everywhere! This is scary anons.


John R. Chapman NSA Chief FOIA



Anonymous ID: d0df53 Nov. 14, 2018, 11:25 a.m. No.3902032   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Baker, this is notable. Not trying to toot my own horn here, but we really should dig down on the individuals who are in the way of true declas. Figure out what they're connected to… it's the only way we can predict what will happen.