Anonymous ID: 3ad4d7 Nov. 14, 2018, 12:19 p.m. No.3902744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2765 >>2814 >>3144

(NY Post)



[Mira Ricardel] By all appearances is a "Clown"



ROBERT BARATTA - Partner at (Capital Results - Virginia)

*(Company Basically Coaches: How to get the BIG GOV contracts & "Work" the Gov Contract & Grant system)

  • (Mira & Robert) went to:

(The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University)

  • Tufts directly connected to Harvard.

  • Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy - International Law & Diplomacy. (Globalist Training)


MIRA'S Resume':

  • Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in [Foreign Service][SFS] from Georgetown University, graduating in 1982.

[SFS] School of Foreign Service - [C_A training school]

*The school's most notable alumni include U.S. President [Bill Clinton] former [CIA Director George Tenet] and King Felipe VI of Spain.

  • At Georgetown; Member of the Delta Phi Epsilon professional foreign service sorority. [Foreign Service Sorority? Is that a type of Skull & Bones for ladies?]

  • The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. (Globalist Training)

  • Member of the [CFR]

  • (1986-89) State Dept.

  • (1989 -1996) Bob Dole advisor - Foreign Affairs & Defense Policy [C_A] Handler/Advisor?

  • (1997-98) Freedom House - Globalist foreign relations "Think Tank".

*Founded by: Wendell Wilkie(Democrat turned Republican) & Eleanor Roosevelt.

  • (1997 - 2000) Mysterious "Interlude" according to her internet bio's. (during this time she was Monica Lewinsky's neighbor in NYC - Weird)

  • (Some of her bio's were bad links. Same "legend" every bio, like copypasta)

  • What was she doing around [9/11/2001]?

  • (2001 - 2003) Deputy Asst SecDef International Security Affairs for Eurasia - Under; "Where's the Pentagon money?" [Donald Rumsfeld]

  • (2003 - 2005) Primary adviser to U.S. Secretary of Defense for Europe, Eurasia, NATO, nuclear forces, missile defense, and arms control.

  • (2006-2015) Boeing Company as Vice President, Strategic Missile & Defense Systems, as well as Vice President of International Business Development, Network and Space Systems. During her time with Boeing she was a resident of Alexandria, Virginia.

*Network Space Systems? Missile Systems? Intl. Biz Development?


Her bio definitely looks [clownish]:

  • [School of Foreign Service][SFS] Georgetown Univ.

  • [Foreign Service Sorority] Georgetown Univ.

  • [Fletcher School] of Law and Diplomacy at [Tufts Univ.]

  • Member of the [CFR]

  • Member of Freedom House - looks "swampy"

  • Boeing VP (Strategic Resume'?) = Space Weapons, Missiles, International Sales. (resident of Alexandria, Virginia)


Was she brought onboard the admin for strategic reasons related to 'The Plan'?

Was she a 'known' = "Fox in the Henhouse"?

Was she surveilled while she was working for The cabal inside the admin? (Q team counter-intel against The Cabal?)

Now 'ourguys' have gotten all they need from her, so she's out like the rest of the moles?

Anonymous ID: 3ad4d7 Nov. 14, 2018, 12:34 p.m. No.3902918   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2959



I can buy that. I hear ya.

He made the post simply because of the description I read on the Capital Results firm website regarding helping business contractors get Gov contracts & Grants.

My post = speculation.

No definitive aspersions.