Anonymous ID: 82dc5c Nov. 14, 2018, 12:17 p.m. No.3902720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2769 >>3088

Scott Gottlieb the FDA commissioner is right in suggesting Kratom marketers are making false claims about the product.


He is very wrong to cut it off as an opiate. It isn't for one thing and the substance peculiar pharmaceutical properties make it ideal replacement or substitute for addictive narcotics.


Kratom alleviates withdrawal symptoms so addicts can get off dangerous drugs like fentanyl.


It is not possible to overdose on Kratom.


It is not possible to kill yourself with Kratom.


The purpose of Kratom is to "step down" from dangerous drugs.


Kratom is a botanical substance currently the only non big Pharma treatment for the artificially induced opiate epidemic.


Stopping Kratom cause mild discomfort.


It is currently the BEST AVAILABLE TREATMENT for longstanding, recalcitrant drug and opiate addiction.


Scott Gottlieb MD is misinformed about addiction medicine and indicates his intention to restrict supplies, and doing so he will inflict serious harm on millions of former addicts who use now Kratom to manage chronic pain or to alleviate symptoms of opiate withdrawal.


POTUS please remind Dr. Gottlieb that the massive opiate problem in the USA was created by his own corrupt agency in collusion with Purdue Pharma and cultist Senators like Chris Dodd.


Addiction is not a moral failing. Gottlieb's ignorance should not be the cause more suffering for million of citizens who have been robbed, murdered and raped and lied to for fifty years as a result of government and regulatory agency corruption.