Anonymous ID: e4fb21 Nov. 14, 2018, 12:17 p.m. No.3902722   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Federal prosecutors reviewing altered election documents tied to Florida Democrats


The Florida Department of State last week asked federal prosecutors to investigate dates that were changed on official state election documents, the first voting “irregularities” it has flagged in the wake of the 2018 elections. The concerns, which the department says can be tied to the Florida Democratic Party, center around date changes on forms used to fix vote-by-mail ballots sent with incorrect or missing information. Known as “cure affidavits,” those documents used to fix mail ballots were due no later than 5 p.m. on Nov. 5 — the day before the election. But affidavits released on Tuesday by the DOS show that documents from four different counties said the ballots could be returned by 5 p.m. on Thursday, which is not accurate.


Among those counties is Broward, which emerged as the epicenter of controversy as three statewide races and three local legislative races went into recounts following the Nov. 6 elections. Republicans have pointed to embattled Broward Elections chief Brenda Snipes' record of past election gaffes in arguing that the largely Democratic country is tilted against them — perhaps fraudulently so. DOS officials have repeatedly told the media that the monitors they sent to Broward County saw no election fraud. It wasn't until Tuesday that the office revealed publicly that it had turned over information to federal prosecutors.


The information was sent on Nov. 9 by Bradley McVay, DOS’ interim general counsel, who asked that the altered dates be investigated. “Altering a form in a manner that provides the incorrect date for a voter to cure a defect … imposes a burden on the voter significant enough to frustrate the voter’s ability to vote,” McVay wrote in a letter that was sent Nov. 9 and released publicly on Tuesday. The letter was sent to U.S. Attorneys Christopher P. Canova of the Northern District of Florida, Maria Chapa Lopez of the Middle District of Florida and Ariana Fajardo Orshan in the Southern District of Florida. The records released by DOS, which is part of Gov. Rick Scott’s administration, point the finger at the Florida Democratic Party. Political parties can get daily lists of people who had their mail-in ballots rejected. Political parties — or anyone else — can also get the publicly available cure affidavits and send them to voters who had a mail-in ballot rejected to encourage them to fix the ballots.


In an email chain released as part of the Department of State's Tuesday document dump, Citrus County Supervisor of Elections Susan Gill last week told DOS officials that a voter who received one of the cure affidavits with the wrong date had also received a call from a number identified as the Tallahassee office of the Florida Democratic Party, an indication the party was reaching out about her vote by mail ballot. "When I called it, it is the Democratic Party of Florida," she said in a Nov. 8 email to DOS officials. She went on to write that she thinks the incorrect date was used because whoever sent the cure affidavit mixed up the deadline for cure affidavits with the deadline for provisional ballots. But, she said, "a bigger problem is the fact they actually changed one of the DOE forms."That change to an official election form was what state officials turned over to federal prosecutors.

Anonymous ID: e4fb21 Nov. 14, 2018, 12:29 p.m. No.3902870   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2939 >>3052 >>3101

Mattis Gave A Pep Talk To Troops Guarding America’s Southern Border, And What He Said Will Give You Goosebumps


Secretary of Defense James Mattis Wednesday visited the troops deployed to the U.S.-Mexico border and gave them some inspiring words ahead of the arrival of a migrant caravan slowly making its way through Mexico toward the U.S.


The Department of Defense’s latest estimate suggests there will be more than 7,000 troops at various positions in Arizona, California and Texas, according to CNBC. Their responsibility will involve erecting barriers and helping the Department of Homeland Security and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) with other logistical tasks.


Mattis spoke directly to the troops on his trip.

“In the Army, we don’t care if you’re male or female, we don’t care where you go to church or if you go to church,” he said. “We just care when there’s trouble out there, will you keep the faith, will you ride for the brand, and when trouble looms, do you go toward the trouble to help your buddies.” “Loyalty only matters when there’s a hundred reasons not to be loyal,” Mattis told the troops. “When it’s raining and you’re cold. It’s when you’re in a position where people are showing a lack of respect for each other elsewhere and you and your team are holding strong.” “Nothing can shake you,” Mattis added.


The defense secretary announced after visiting with military personnel that he does not expect law enforcement to come in direct contact with any of the migrants, a fear that arose after President Donald Trump announced the military will treat rocks thrown by migrants at troops as firearms. “Department of Defense missions do not involve military personnel at this time directly participating in any law enforcement,” Mattis said. “Law enforcement is left in the hands of customs and border police [which] will have the statutory authority to carry that out.” “At the present, I do not anticipate military personnel coming into direct contact with migrants,” he added. “This country may not be perfect, but you’re going to have to go a long way to find a country more willing to look itself in the eye and say we’ve got to improve here,” Mattis said to the troops.


The Pentagon originally assigned the mission of the ongoing deployment of troops to the southwest border as “Operation Faithful Patriot,” but dropped the name days later. A few reports claimed the name drop was to reflect that the troops are not part of an actual operation, a term typically associated with combat situations. Mattis addressed the name change Wednesday, saying he didn’t want to “put this mission in some arcane military terms.” “I want to talk to the American people, because this is a highly politically visible issue,” Mattis told reporters. “I want you [the media] to tell them what we’re doing. I want you to tell them we are operating in support of customs or of border police. Do not say we’re supporting a federal agency.” Mattis asked reporters to stop using military terms when writing on the border deployment.

Anonymous ID: e4fb21 Nov. 14, 2018, 12:45 p.m. No.3903051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3080 >>3101

Hillary Clinton Questions Legitimacy Of Georgia Gubernatorial Election


Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that Democrat Stacey Abrams would be governor-elect of Georgia today if the state had a “fair election.” As The Statesman reports, Clinton made her latest assessment of election integrity in America while speaking at the LBJ School of Public Affairs of the University of Texas, where she received the first “In the Arena Award.” The facility is named after President Lyndon Johnson, who was also a representative and senator from the Lone Star state. “If she had a fair election, she already would have won,” the former secretary of state said in reference to the tightly contested gubernatorial fight between Abrams and Republican candidate Brian Kemp.


The race has been closely watched, not only because the opposing candidates were in a dead heat through much of the campaign, but because if Abrams wins, she would be he first black woman governor of Georgia. Abrams also attracted adverse publicity when the Black Panthers marched to support her candidacy and when she refused to rule out gun confiscation if she became governor. Critics of Kemp contend that he contributed to voter suppression through his policies as secretary of state for Georgia, which reportedly flagged certain people registering to vote as non-citizens inaccurately.


In her address, Clinton also commented on the political dynamics of the Johnson era, which she claimed was more idealistic than the present day. “It was a different feeling,” Clinton said. “There wasn’t the devaluing of government and politics and the cynicism that is used to turn people away from common effort.” The former first lady suggested her political career was not guided by self-interest but by that same idealism. “If you’re not there for a cause larger than yourself … it is hard to keep going,” she told the crowd, according to The Statesman.


Abrams filed a lawsuit Sunday to try to force a runoff election. The Abrams-Kemp race will not be certified by the state’s election authorities until Friday afternoon because a federal judge decided that some absentee ballots should not have been rejected because the documents were not fully completed by voters.

Anonymous ID: e4fb21 Nov. 14, 2018, 12:54 p.m. No.3903158   🗄️.is 🔗kun

MATH ERROR: Scientists Admit ‘Mistakes’ Led To Alarming Results In Major Global Warming Study


Scientists behind a headline-grabbing climate study admitted they “really muffed” their paper.

Their study claimed to find 60 percent more warming in the oceans, but that was based on math errors.

The errors were initially spotted by scientist Nic Lewis, who called them “serious (but surely inadvertent) errors.”


The scientists behind a headline-grabbing global warming study did something that seems all too rare these days — they admitted to making mistakes and thanked the researcher, a global warming skeptic, who pointed them out. “When we were confronted with his insight it became immediately clear there was an issue there,” study co-author Ralph Keeling told The San Diego Union-Tribune on Tuesday. Their study, published in October, used a new method of measuring ocean heat uptake and found the oceans had absorbed 60 more heat than previously thought. Many news outlets relayed the findings, but independent scientist Nic Lewis quickly found problems with the study.


Keeling, a scientist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, owned up to the mistake and thanked Lewis for finding it. Keeling and his co-authors submitted a correction to the journal Nature. “We’re grateful to have it be pointed out quickly so that we could correct it quickly,” Keeling said. In a statement posted online Friday, Keeling said “the combined effect of these two corrections to have a small impact on our calculations of overall heat uptake.” However, Keeling said the errors mean there are “larger margins of error” than they initially thought.


So, while Keeling said they still found there’s more warming than previously thought, there’s too much uncertainty to support their paper’s central conclusion that oceans absorbed 60 percent more heat than current estimates show. “Our error margins are too big now to really weigh in on the precise amount of warming that’s going on in the ocean,” Keeling told The Union Tribune. “We really muffed the error margins.” Keeling and his co-authors used the study to debut a new way of estimating ocean heat uptake by measuring the volume of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the atmosphere. Scientists are still intrigued by this method, but all the kinks need to be worked out. “So far as I can see, their method vastly underestimates the uncertainty,” Lewis told The Washington Post in an interview Tuesday, “as well as biasing up significantly, nearly 30 percent, the central estimate.”


Lewis pointed out the errors in Keeling’s study in a blog post published Nov. 6 on climate scientist Judith Curry’s website.Lewis wrote that “[j]ust a few hours of analysis and calculations … was sufficient to uncover apparently serious (but surely inadvertent) errors in the underlying calculations.” Lewis is an ardent critic of climate scientists’ over-reliance on climate models, which he says predict too much warming. Lewis and Curry published a study earlier in 2018 that found climate models overestimated global warming by as much as 45 percent. Lewis’s corrections were quickly confirmed by University of Colorado professor Roger Pielke Jr. Pielke called Keeling’s acceptance and willingness to correct the mistakes a “lesson in graciousness.” “Unfortunately, we made mistakes here,” Keeling told WaPo. “I think the main lesson is that you work as fast as you can to fix mistakes when you find them.”