Anonymous ID: 14046e Nov. 14, 2018, 1:20 p.m. No.3903473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3523

>>3903074 (PB'n'J)

If I'm not mistaken, this is basically saying Britain WILL get to make its own laws and trade deals once the final Brexit shebang goes through.

Until that time, UK and NI are still expected to act as a member of the EU and uphold the wider laws imposed by said membership until it's forfeited.

The final deadline has been made much more flexible to allow broader planning/negotiation on both sides, and yet still offers a clause of an effective "Hard Brexit" if no deal can be settled/people choose not to settle it.

As someone who voted "Leave", I'm generally happy with this, if it indeed is saying what I think it is.

It's not the hasty bailout some wanted and we'll still have to respect EU protocol for the time being to ensure consistency in the transition(I guess?), but like this op, it's better more time goes in to getting everything to perfection for when the drop happens, mitigating any negative potentials.

Or perhaps I misread the whole thing. I'm tired af.

Anonymous ID: 14046e Nov. 14, 2018, 1:42 p.m. No.3903746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3817


If I'm not mistaken, is the quoted paragraph not stating that until we officially leave, we'll still have to abide by any new EU law, but afterward we'll be advised/asked to implement/fine tune the law (still giving UK a valid voice) but we'd be free to abdicate them on anything that doesn't involve the EU? So we'd still have to abide by trade etc.?