>>3902899 (other anon lb)
>pro-tempore = placeholder
With gravy for longevity
>>3902899 (other anon lb)
>pro-tempore = placeholder
With gravy for longevity
These dirtbags are worth a dig if you're into water info. Taking over the country
Good! Whitaker bait is working. Mueller holding a bunch of indictments. Remember months and months ago when Mueller twice got blank subpoenas? Dems on the RECORD with LEGISLATION for the
history books
Release the kracken
Keep going…keep going. I am glad you are using the search. It rocks! Lots of digging on Marty Torrey on boards a.k.a. The Mat Hatter
Was watching CSPAN to get a read on the mew class of Dims stepping up. A whole lot of shilling by them this afternoon-Attacking SA, the War Powers Act and the war in Yemen. They got plans…came across this guy who was NOT on my radar.
Grew up in Phil, shilled in Ilinois, now Congressman in Silicon Valley! Plus Nancy P had him 'draft' the Internet Bill of Rights. Hi @Jack
On another note: we in Potus withdrawal coming out of Rally fever and election let-down. We be a'ight