I don't even recognize this country anymore. Elections are being stolen, white men are being vilified for being white, every positive thing we try to do blows up in our face, the people that should he fighting the hardest are recusing themselves or laying down while the Democrats are destroying everything. Colleges aren't a place to learn, just cry about your problems and get a free degree. Socialism is on the rise. Every move being made is to ensure the white man is the minority.
Our country is being stolen from us and nobody has the balls to fight back. We want to do the "right" thing, you know, the Christian thing and just pray about it. Fuck that! We are losing people! We are losing everything! But we still have our memes right?
In just a few years we'll look back and try to figure out why we didn't stop it. Why we stood idly by and did nothing while freedom was ripped from us. We will have no one to blame but ourselves. Either Trump and Q team grow some balls or kiss it all good bye. I fear we may be eventually forced to defend what we love with our life. My only question is what the fuck are we waiting on?